School of Rock
School of Rock
TV-G | 12 March 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Joe Hodge I doubt that most reviewers on here have actually watched more than one episode of this wonderful show. Most of their criticisms are unfair and seem to be entirely based on the fact that the TV show is not like the film. Well, it is not like the film but that doesn't mean it's bad.First off, this is a loose adaption of the original movie. Many of the characters have been changed significantly. There is also very little focus on rock music itself. However, if you can accept these changes then you will be rewarded by a superbly written sitcom that is laugh-out-loud funny.The young cast are terrific. In particular, Brianna Yde, who has such a gift for comedy. Yde's timing and delivery are perfect, and she is utterly charming. I look forward to seeing more from this wonderful young actress. Also worth mentioning is Jade Pettyjohn who portrays Summer as a breezy, warm, bubbly girl. This works especially well when played against Yde's biting sarcasm. Aidan Miner is also terrific as the nerdy Lawrence and great at delivering one liners.The plot broadly follows that of the movie but there is plenty of time given over to exploring subplots. This gives the show quite a bit of scope when it comes to storytelling and ensures each episode is fresh and not repetitive.Perhaps the biggest challenge this show faces is escaping from the shadow of its namesake. People clearly have certain expectations when they watch the show, when these expectations are not met they dismiss the show out of hand without giving it a fair chance. Just look at some of the ludicrous comments in other reviews.This show is not perfect, I would like to see a greater emphasis on music. It would be great if the band gave a full performance in every episode. Brianna Yde has a lovely voice and her talents are underused. My biggest criticism of the show is the use of a laugh track, it's just so intrusive. I realise that Americans are used to canned laughter but to a British ear it's very off putting. The producers need to have more confidence in the talents of their writers and cast. The comedy is so strong in the show that canned laughter is totally unnecessary.However, these criticisms are minor quibbles. If you can accept that the characters have changed dramatically from their movie counterparts, then you will find a warm and thoroughly charming TV programme. The cast are very likable, the comedy is strong and the stories are engaging. I really look forward to each new episode. It's worth tuning in for Brianna Yde alone (who I am now a little bit in love with). I highly recommend this show. Give it a fair chance and you will be handsomely rewarded.
    thegirlwhodrawtoomuch okay, it's not the BEST thing ever, but this is for kids to get inspired and have fun, don't you guys remember how having fun is anymore, you just like to complain about everything? Yes, this show is nothing like the movie, and yes they are not actually playing rock, but it's entertaining, and, again the most important, the kids like it, grown ups(or whatever you are) aren't technically supposed to have an actual opinion about it, so relax and have fun. and don't stop your kid for watching it just because you don't like it, the show is about that too, don't put limits to your kids liking just because you don't. It's just about having fun.
    CrackerJacker66 Awful, awful , awful! What an insult to the classic 2003 film which was a childhood favorite. Nickelodeon turned a great movie and turned it into a horrible, generic, and bland kids sitcom that you see on Disney/Nickelodeon nowadays.School of Rock, more like School of Pop. Where the hell is the rock music? Why are they singing Meghan Trainor bubblegum pop music?? They ruined all the characters and changed their races and personalities. Tomika was the chubby black girl with the voice like Aretha Franklin. Now in the show she is a midget tomboy Spanish girl who can't sing for her life. She sounds like a dying cat.Freddy was the cool bad rebel that had an edge. Now he's a bland pretty boy with no personality.Summer was the educated, clever, and responsible. She thinks mostly of succeeding and earning good grades. In the show she's a shallow dumb blonde who can't do anything right and thinks about cute boys.Lawrence in the movie was the socially awkward Asian kid. Now he's annoying and obnoxious comic relief bumbling fool.Zack in the show is now Asian for some reason.They guy playing Dewey is trying way too hard to emulate Jack Black down to the voice and hair. He sucks!And does a 25 year old Kendall Schmidt from Big Time Rush that desperate for work that he had to to return to Nickelodeon for a guest starring role, 3 years after his show ended.This show is not funny, annoying laugh track, boring characters, the writing is bad. Why was this show made? It doesn't work as a TV show. Nickelodeon please cancel this trash and stop pumping out these awful sitcoms.
    writerjims Why must every Nickelodeon and Disney show be written at the level of a seven year-old when the target audience appears to be 'tweens'? Look at the feature films aimed at the same audience. Just look at the original motion picture and capture that essence. "Hunger Games" and "Divergent". If they were written at the level of "School of Rock" they would be laughed off the screen. Kids today are informed and exposed to much more than kids used to be. Even the animated films for younger audiences are written with more intelligence and understanding that is far beyond what these 'children's shows' put up on the smaller screen. So please, if anyone associated with these networks reads this, raise your standards of performing, writing and directing.