| 11 November 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
    cassandra2006 I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention when this was aired in Australia, in the second half of 2005. Silly me, because, after a rather circuitous route, via this and "Casanova", leading to All Things Tennant, I have now watched the DVD of "Blackpool" many, many times and am absolutely smitten not only with David Tennant's portrayal of DI Peter Carlisle but with the style and plot of the entire series. What an innovative way to turn the over-used genre of TV crime-fic on its head! Yes, there is more than a nod in the direction of the genius, Dennis Potter, in the way musical numbers are interpolated into the screenplay, but even apart from this, "Blackpool" has such heart and soul that it surely is a delight for jaded TV viewers. I like that we have two male leads who are emotionally and ethically flawed; I like how the Woman is also morally compromised, not some unapproachable madonna figure. I like how the kids are decent enough in so many ways but have their own demons. And don't start me on the support characters! That poor woman and her perpetually upset stomach will haunt me for a long time! I found the sub plot involving the Holden daughter and her older lover tedious and, frankly, I fast-forwarded through many of their scenes, in my quest for more and still more Carlisle moments. But Danny, the Holden son, was a great character, full of paradoxes that were not all resolved, which makes for a nice change, in my opinion. All in all, this is one of my top most favourite TV series of all times. I adore it. I play my favourite scenes often. The leads are all splendid; most of the minor characters have an authentic credibility; the direction is sharp; and the script is wonderful. I love "Blackpool" unreservedly. Well, apart from the daughter and her bloke, both of whom I could easily dispense with. David Tennant is magnificent as Carlisle. He is such a thorough and clever interpreter of a character. Comparing him as Carlisle and as Casanova and as The Doctor, it is so clear that he is 'different' in mannerisms, style and persona in each role. Carlisle is slower or more weary in movement; he's a bit scruffy; he's been burned by life's experiences and it shows. Yet his keen intelligence also shows through, and his propensity for the subtle yet sarcastic comment, often at Ripley Holden's expense, is a delight. Holden's wife, and Carlisle's love-interest, is played by Sarah Parish. She is a skillful actor with a good range and I found her chemistry with both her on-screen husband and her lover to be excellent. She managed to convey the internal conflict of her character very affectingly, while losing none of her essential pragmatism and humour. The moral compromises that all the characters make are real and credible ones, given the plot, and there are no guarantees as to outcome. I liked that.Highly recommended.
    Elise120 Blackpool (released as Viva Blackpool in the US) is absolutely the best mini-series I've ever seen. It was unique, well written, directed and acted. Although both David Tennant and David Morrissey are wonderful actors, I felt that David Morrissey really stood out in his role of Ripley Holden. If anyone's seen any of his other work, they would see what an incredible actor he is!! And outrageously attractive as well. The musical numbers are well done. What a brilliant idea to have the actors sing along with the original artists, sort of like Karaoke. I was also impressed with new actor Tommy Morrisson, who played Danny Holden. I expect to see him in other films..he's very talented. Sarah Parrish is lovely and talented as always, and I'm looking forward to seeing David Tennant as Dr. Who. In conclusion, I highly recommend this series. I only wish that BBC would release the DVD for Region 1 soon, as my home VHS recording is getting worn from repeated viewings.
    Wes Jones This show was one of the best things i have EVER seen (and coming from me, thats saying something). The cast was an inspired choice, the script and dialogue was excellent and the songs were amazing! David Morrissey is an excellent choice to play Ripley Holden, he fits the role perfectly as the mysterious arcade owner who believes in luck - LOTS of luck. Before Blackpool, I was no fan of Sarah Parish, but her acting in this is great, she is believable as Ripleys wife/Carlisle's lover. Speaking of Carlisle, David Tennant MADE that role his own, playing it to perfection.All the cast are multi-talented because not only did they act IMPRESSIVELY, they actually sang the songs featured in the series, and performed their dance routines. This gives me a new-found respect for all the performers because it must be hard to do what they did on a daily basis.All in all, an excellent show. If you haven't seen it, WHY?!?
    hesketh27 Blackpool is an unusual drama (with touches of comedy) which tells the story of an amusement arcade owner who finds himself and his family at the centre of a murder investigation when a body is found in his arcade. From time to time the actors burst into song (a la Singing Detective) & are transported into fantasy sequences which work quite well as an integral part of the plot. The actors' faces are well known to UK TV audiences from their regular appearances in supporting roles in other TV vehicles. As in all BBC productions, the performances are uniformly good. The real star of the show however is Blackpool itself. The wonderfully seedy holiday resort is well used as the backdrop and well known places/landmarks appear in most scenes. An enjoyable serial. (The soundtrack's pretty good too!)