| 13 March 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Deirdre E Shaw I've read through all the previous comments and there is a puzzling divergence in the reactions to this work. There are significant numbers who seem to have expected this to be a documentary drama and have berated Davies for writing something at odds with the historical Casanova's life. This is missing the point entirely. It's like criticising Shakespeare in Love for being "inaccurate." This is a romp, with a hint of sadness, based upon Giacomo Casanova's memoir/autobiography. It is obviously intended as a diversion, every aspect of the production aiming at no more than the spirit of the thing, mixing today's argot and attitudes with those of C18 Venice.Russell T Davies's work is of a very particular style, knowing and self-conscious (one critic here seemed to think this was inevitably a bad thing) and, above all, camp and celebratory. If you don't warm to his style then avoid his work is my advice. For those who can accept it for what it is and what it intends, it is glorious stuff.
    Robert I'm absolutely dumbstruck by some of the reviews I've read here. The only explanation I can come up with is that most reviewers are unfamiliar with the historic Giacomo Casanova, and have never seen any of the vastly superior treatments of his story (such as "La Nuit de Varennes"). One of the reviewers even describes it as being about a man from the "17th century". Off by a hundred years, I'm afraid, which is roughly as far off as this movie is from either a well-done biographical film or a historically-accurate one. No, it's Hollywood (or rather, the British approximation of it) through and through.This version is, in reality, a "Casanova" for the "Sex and the City" and "Men Behaving Badly" crowd; all winks and nudges and brash cheekiness. David Tenant is amusing, but absolutely lacking in charisma or depth, much less skill. In fact, he bears an uncanny resemblance to the bumbling characters that Eric Idle used to play. Peter O'Toole does an over-the-top caricature of himself; a role he seems to have been relegated to for the past 25 years. Sad, really. The rest of the cast seems to have been assembled from whoever was hanging around the studio that day, as they obviously weren't chosen for their verisimilitude or subtlety.But the story is far the worst thing about this flick. The dialog is farcical, the plot is boilerplate, there are countless historical mistakes. For example, Casanova fires a pistol into the air to threaten a group of men, and says he'll shoot them next. Problem is, all pistols were single-shot for another hundred years; it would've actually taken him another 2 minutes to reload another shot; any man of the time would've known that! They also dance the waltz; something that didn't appear in Venice for another 50 years. I was surprised to not see Casanova riding a motorcycle while chatting on his mobile phone."Casanova" isn't above trying to titillate by teasing us with an "is she/isn't she" shtick about a mulatto castrato that Casanova "falls in love with". But of course, after playing around with the faux-mosexual aspect, surprise! -it's a girl after all, so the audience can all heave a sigh of relief at Casanova's good fortune. But the real Casanova was well-known to be bisexual (look it up on Wikipedia), although actually having the nerve to show that here seems to be beyond the film-maker's integrity, the audience's stomach, or (most likely) both.The dialog swings between maudlin (when Casanova offers to rescue his prison cell-mate, he responds "but I can't leave; this is my home!") and stand-up comedy, as when Casanova makes his confession and rattles off a laundry list of the women he's slept with ("two sisters, at the same time. Many times. But at least I didn't sleep with their mother. Although I've done that. Many times. So sorry.") And I mustn't forget to mention that the sappy string synthesizers in the incidental music would be right at home in a third-rate soap opera. It's sad to see "Casanova" dumbed down this far. It's sadder still to see it overpraised by people who don't know the historic and literary Giacomo Casanova from Nathan Barley.
    lclarricoates I watched this when it was first shown on BBC3 and I loved it then, and I still love it now! As a long standing David Tennant fan i was bound to love this, but even if i wasn't then i would still have loved it! He oozes sex appeal from every pour, he's perfectly cheeky, has a killer smile, and you can't help but wish you were the one in the bed with him! Russell T Davis outdoes himself once again, the writing is excellent, the plot is excellent and everything is just excellent! Casting Peter O'Toole as the elderly but still cheeky Casanova was pure genius, he may be old and wrinkly but there is a slight resemblance to David Tennant, and they both share a twinkle in their eye, which makes you think....well maybe. Go buy the DVD people, its well worth the money!!!
    chaz_burgess This is costume drama at its unique best. Definitely displaying Tennants best work, Casanova is a hugely entertaining romp with plenty of action both in and out of the bedroom, along with lots of humour and heartbreaking romance. I admit I was devastated by the ending (you'll have to watch to see what I mean) The costumes and sets are wickedly done, the acting is first rate. There are moments people will find disturbing and scenes you wouldn't watch with your granny, but its still just in good fun. You are guaranteed to fall head over heels for Tennants Casanova who's character literally sweeps you off your feet within the first ten seconds of watching with his wit and charm. This is a great recommendation for romance lovers anywhere, but some moments in it are a little bit laddy!!!
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