Northern Exposure
Northern Exposure
TV-PG | 12 July 1990 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Christian Pompei the 3rd For a 90's TV show you can't get more humor, drama, romance and mystery than in Northern Exposure. Pittoresque characters like Holling intertwine with street philosophers (Chris) and arrogant entrepreneurs as Maurice. The "cat and mice like" romance is taken care by Joel and Maggie and local culture is also represented by Marylin. But my favorite character is by far Adam, the most sarcastic and ironic nutcase in TV history. I could call this show 40% fantasy. It has the scenery and script of a fairy tail sometimes with all the day- dreaming and cinematographic metaphors embedded in it. You get from the beginning that the writers don't want a stereotypic and cliché ending but "oh my god" we are in for a surprise. And not a fun one. Joel not ending up with Maggie is the biggest disappointment. The second one is the fantasy ending of Joel's character. A too big of a metaphor for this kind of show. One thing I liked: the postcard received by Maggie with the message: "New York is a state of mind". That reveal all the answers to our questions: "Did Joel really returned to NY or his is still in deep wild landscape of Alaska?". That postcard was the "great finale", the song of the swan for this show, the epic ending of a fantastic character that finally discovered that leaving NY for Alaska was a spiritual journey that will mature and educate his soul. After that episode "The Quest", you can say goodbye to NE. If before we still hoped a future for Joel and Maggie, now everything is shattered into pieces and all the life of the show is diminished, the humor drops, the characters seam out of balance, the drama ceases to exist and joining Maggie with Chris is absolutely pathetic: the two don't click, Chris's energy and charm are killed; Maggie is to peaceful and it does not suit her. From my point of view the ending was sad. On the other hand, the song in the end was terrific - Iris Dement, Our town.
    toberwino I had never seen this series when I saw the DVD of season 1 on offer. I checked IMDb and saw it had an 8+ rating and was listed as Comedy/Drama so I purchased it. I have watched the full DVD and don't think I laughed once - comedy? Someone is joking. It is a corny, predictable, third rate drama. Some of the characters are really weak and unbelievable - for example, Maurice the astronaut? It must have been part of the program to send chimps into space. The best part of the series is the occasional glimpse of Alaskan scenery. I would suggest you avoid this unless you are really bored and have watched all the other DVDs in your collection.
    wlb I have just watched an episode on DVD for the first time since the series left the network. It reminded me why I liked the series so much - they had some serious topics presented in such a way to be funny - yet informative.And talk about characters! One poster couldn't stand Rob Morrow - I don't understand that - each character was a bit eccentric yet contributes so much to the series - I would say that like the strength of Seinfeld combining all these characters brought a synergy and power to the series.The episode I just watched - Rob Morrow's character is lamenting the fact that there are so few Jews where he lives - feeling like he was alone. In the same episode Ed Chugliak is filming another character "last of his breed" - an Indian knowing how to make flutes passed down from generation to generation - now the last. And finally Holling Vincouer is contemplating death with a mid life crisis - It was brilliant writing dealing with serious subjects in a humorous and lighthearted way. Too bad there aren't more shows of this caliber.
    tha_jersey_devil god, i miss that show. being native, it made me feel all homey and warm the way the natives and the whites melded together to create a "whole".it was well written and the story line was such that it took intelligence to follow the plot.there will never be another northern exposure. it broke the mold.each character drew you into the plot.little dramas and life happenings kept it interesting. it got bad at the end, but death isn't pretty.i guess the writers just burned out.i wish it was in syndication.