Just Shoot Me!
Just Shoot Me!
TV-PG | 04 March 1997 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    Sebastian (sts-26) In the early and mid-nineties, there was a rush to imitate the hit Britcom Absolutely Fabulous. Rosanne(Arnold, Barr, whatever) bought the American rights to the show, and CBS launched a clone - High Society - ASAP. Rosanne's plans came to nothing, and High Society failed almost immediately.The problem was that America, and especially prime-time network television, was just not ready for the lewd, crude, cruel and politically incorrect comedy exemplified by Britcoms AbFab, Bottom and Men Behaving Badly, shows launched in Britain in the late-eighties or early-nineties. No, it would take several more years before the U.S. was anything close to ready.First came Drew Carey, then, slowly, more, and more savage, shows began to appear. Just Shoot Me was one of the best of these; its setting - the New York office of a Cosmo-like magazine - made it possible to get down and dirty with the laughs, and great, naturally-wicked-humored actors (Spade and Segal) drove home every crude gag.I greatly enjoyed this show for the six years it ran, and firmly believe that it was a victim (along with News Radio, 3rd Rock, and several others) of NBCs indifference to,and neglect of, its stable of great sitcoms. (I guess everything paled in comparison to Seinfeld, and no one at NBC had the sense to point out that Pretty Damn Good may not be Great, but still ain't half bad.) I watch every episode of Just Shoot Me that appears in syndication, and encourage other TV addicts to do the same. The show is always good for a belly laugh, provided one is neither PC nor a prude.
    srinat It's a great series, and it's my favorite comedy. I like especially Dennis Finch (David Spade) because he's character is great. He's funny, cynical and else. The parts when we found out about another bad thing that Nina (Wandy Malick) ever did make me laugh. George Segal plays the rich Jack Galo very good. Maya Galo (Laura San Jacomo) is a good actress too but sometimes you can know what is she going to say. And the last one- Elliot (Enrico Colnatony) is a nice actor too. The combination in the show is Finch and Nina or Finch and Jack. Finch and Nina have sometimes crazy but funny ideas, And I always enjoy to watch at Finch as the "son" of Jack Galo. Even the parts of Kevin are great because his strange personality.
    FloatingOpera7 From 1997 to 2003, this brilliant comedy was one of the most highly rated sitcoms on TV. It starred George Segal as the brains behind a woman's fashion and tips magazine called Blush. The creative work team- his daughter writer Maya Gallo (Laura San Giocomo), photographer Elliot DiMauro (Enrico Colantoni) fashion expert and ex-super model Nina Van Horne (Wendy Malick) and secretary Dennis Finch (David Spade). The show was mostly popular because of David Spade who enjoyed the biggest success outside the show in various comedy movies and a stint on Saturday Night Live, in skits where he was usually paired with the now late comedian Chris Farley. The show never had a dull moment.The colorful cast carried most of the show, as the relationships were connected in one way or another. Wealthy billionaire Jack Gallo gave a top writing job to his daughter, the brainy Columbia graduate Maya (this was the pilot episode)..eventually we meet the rest of the characters and we even delve into their personalities and backgrounds. Jack found Elliot working as a street photographer and hired him on the spot, Nina had a very exciting and crazy past, coming from poverty in a farm to big supermodel in the 70's to washed-up super model who despite her age is still "hot" and adventurous, never giving up her pleasure-seeking lifestyle. Shes quite hilarious as a lovable diva. Dennis Finch was once a figure skater but Jack saw potential in him not only as a secretary for Blush, but as a sort of son figure. The electric chemistry between Maya and Elliot was also very cool to watch on TV. They were almost like Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn- so charismatic, so strong, so smart, nearly always at each other's throat but always with a sexual tension in there somewhere. Jack Gallo, who was a sort of Donald Trump parody, had married and divorced several times but is at heart a good father, despite his tough, no-nonsense exterior.My favorite episodes- The Finch that Stole Christmas: Dennis gets his co-workers bad presents as vengeance, Nina's retrospective life story told by a narrator and the rest of the cast, David Hasselhoff as an actor appearing in one of Dennis' low budget films "The Burning House" a cheesy drama, Jack and Maya accidentally kill Denni's cat, Maya's endless unsuitable dates among them a guy who likes to take off his shirt, a guy who compared to her is very dumb (played by Joe Rogan who would later host Fear Factor)..Elliot taking high class hooker to a party and pretending she's a doctor (played by Lucy Lawless better known as Xena), Maya hosts a "Clue" type party in period costume, Nina dating a man who is too attached to his mom, Kathy Lee Gifford as a bitchy romance writer who takes Dennis as a boy toy...so many episodes to count. It was a very funny and well-written comic sitcom. I really wish Blush was a real life magazine. LOL
    katelynhuffine85 I found this show rather boring and annoying. I was shocked to find so many fans of the show and even more shocked to find that it ran for six years on NBC. OK, there's the main character, Maya, who is really annoying, boring and self-righteous. Then, everything always gets screwed up and the end is very predictable.I like David Spade, but his character bugs me, he always has sarcastic comments, and not in the good way, in the, "Enough Already!" way.Then there are all the other boring characters. You really have to have high tolerance to watch the LONG 30 minutes of it.