That '80s Show
That '80s Show
| 23 January 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    SnoopyStyle The team that brought us "That '70s Show" gives us "That '80s Show". It makes poetic sense if not in the real sense. They never understood that the audience wasn't watching it for the 70s style as much as for the group's chemistry. That show had fun which this one never achieved.Whereas the 70s group was always together hanging out, the 80s group had different story lines. It's 1984 San Diego. Corey (Glen Howerton) and Katie (Tinsley Grimes) live with their Dad RT and Corey's friend Roger (Eddie Shin). Also staring Chyler Leigh, and Brittany Daniel. The group never could bond together.It seems that they missed the lesson of what makes a good TV show. Simply making fun of everything 80's is not enough. Strip it all away, the story and the characters underneath the nostalgia must stand on it's own. Clearly it did not.
    dagaan This is a good show. It doesn't have an excellent script, about 80% of the jokes and punchlines don't really land, it starts a bit shaky, the characters reactions are sometimes too forced; and many other bad thing can be said about it. But in the end, I found it quite likable. It didn't bore me at all. I found the love story to be sweet and volatile at times. The fights between Corey and Tuesday were so fun to watch. There's just so many funny stuff that could be written out of this. The characters where really charismatic. All of them. Sophia being bisexual and hysterically shallow, Roger so wannabe yuppie, Katie so innocently happy for no reason, Tuesday insecurely mean for no reason, R.T. with the hip attitude and harsh slogans, and Corey just pissing Tuesday off. I know it wasn't the best show out there, but quite enjoyable. Better than many shows. I also agree with one of the reviews here about the show needing more time to settle. Many good shows have a lacking first season. I believe this one had potential. Katie was awesome. I honestly think she could have become a legendary TV character. Personally, I didn't like Margaret that much. She wasn't funny to me, but didn't ruin it either. That 70's show wasn't perfect. Same problem with dialog and punchlines, but the actors made it all funny. This was heading up the same way. The only disadvantage this show had with its predecessor was exactly that. It came after. Other than that, great show. It had a lot to grow on. Too bad it was shot down so soon.
    haakjay Doesn't really have that good old feeling' like in That '70s show, but still it's kinda good. I've watched all the That '70s show episodes and thats why i tried this. At first i didn't really like it, but later it got good. If you liked That '70s show you should try it and don't just sit and say "Wow that doesn't really have all that good stuff That '70s show had" just try to forget that when you watch it.Wow looking back on the comment i saw that i had probably talked more about That '70s show than That '80s show.I hope you found this comment helpful. :DPeace out :)
    rolab05 I thought "That 80's Show" was a very funny sitcom. The cast fit in perfectly and were hilarious. I think people didn't really like that show because they kept hoping that it would be the same characters of "That 70's Show". If people would watch it again, (without thinking of 70's show), they would probably enjoy it. That 80's show was put on the air too soon. They should have waited a bit longer to put it out there. But it was very funny. If that show would go back on the air, it would probably have better ratings than before. Now that "That 70's Show" is no longer running, they should bring back 80's. Viewers were just loyal to their "70's show" and took 80's show as a threat. I loved that 70's show and was unhappy to see it end. But shows have end some time! I really think that 80's show would do better this time around. Viewers just have to give it a chance and get that 70's show off their minds while watching it. After all, it was a different show, they can't all be the same.