My Hero
My Hero
| 04 February 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    poe426 Thermoman, it turns out, is nothing if not adaptable: eschewing the traditional phone booth, he changes into his bright red outfit in the seemingly ever-handy men's room. It's a practical approach when one considers the scarcity, these days, of phone booths. Ardal O'Hanlon (so over-the-top funny in FATHER TED) outs himself in the very first episode to his lovely Earthlady, nurse Janet (who, propped up in bed in one episode, is seen reading MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS). "You've captured my hearts," Thermoman tells her. O'Hanlon is a likable lunkhead whose nose for trouble literally has him globe-trotting at a moment's notice (if that). "The writers do all the work," O'Hanlon says in one interview. (And O'Hanlon, who is himself a writer- KNICK KNACK PADDY WACK, U.K. title THE TALK OF THE TOWN, according to the DVD extras-, should know good writing when he sees it.) Rest assured: the writing is on-the-money funny from episode one. (One of my favorite characters is the older nurse, Mrs. Raven, played by Geraldine McNulty. "That's what life is," she laments: "The odd, brief smile in the midst of prolonged weeping." Amen, sister.)
    topcat1200 I'm sorry for the change in Thermoman. Loosing Ardal O'Hanlon has dealt a death blow to the show for me. James Dreyfus is too creepy too watch. I very much enjoyed the series up till the the change. I will keep an eye on this site & hope yet another change comes along & we get a new George Sunday. How did James Dreyfus even make the list as a possible replacement for O'Hanlon? A note to the producers of 'My Hero', PLEASE get rid of this new, gay type Thermoman. James Dreyfus seams to have brought way to much of his character with him from "The Thin Blue Line"(only other thing I've seen him in). Good luck to the rest of the cast in keeping the show afloat.
    anxietyresister I shouldn't be wasting my time writing this, but..Tonight I watched 'My Hero'. I've seen a couple of episodes since the lead role was taken over by James Dreyfus (The gay dude from Gimme Gimme Gimme) but had not felt inclined to comment until today's show. Ardal O'Hanlon, who played the inept superhero for all of 5 series, declined to be involved with this one. I wonder why? Read on, and all will be revealed..The premise for George's new appearance was that he lost big in a poker game and each bit of his anatomy had to be given away to pay his debt. He then got a new body, but kept the same irritating personality. Ta-da, problem solved. I hope the scriptwriters gave themselves one big pat on the back for that incredibly imaginative turn of events there. Unfortunately, there are a few other areas with them that I'd like to take issue with..Simply put, this is a comedy that isn't funny. It has no good jokes, no hilarious slapstick, no appealing characters. It was below par when it started, but at least it could make you smile a bit. Not anymore.. Dreyfus's endless mugging to the camera and outrageously camp acting make me want to crack the wall open with my head. No wonder his career flopped in America.. he has a single talent (the homosexual stereotype) which he repeats ad nauseum. He had his moments as Kathy Burke's goofy sidekick, but he hasn't got the talent or charisma to be a leading man. Hes a one trick pony, and hopefully after watching his rotten performance here TV execs will realise this too and show him the door. Next stop: The Plaza in Brighton, playing the Dame!! You heard it here first..Even in a sitcom as abysmal as this, you can normally look to the supporting parts for at least a few good moments. Not here I'm afraid.. Everybody from George's weird alien friends to his two talking babies (awful special effects there BTW) ranges from tolerable to just about unbearable. Yes, his mother-in-law hates him. Yes, his two super-intelligent children are wise asses. Yes, his best mate is a freak who talks gibberish consistently. It ticks all the boxes, but somehow every vestige of humour is sucked out of this can't-miss scenario until the programme is dead in the water. How could this have happened? No idea, ask those scriptwriters, who are no doubt enjoying their yachts on the Channel with their undeserved earnings. Which brings me neatly to..Tonight's episode, which had to be seen to be believed. Heres the background: George wants to get back into the bedroom with his wife , but she refuses. Then, he sees how attracted she is to cats, so he asks a moggy for its advice. The conclusion he comes to is that if he can suck out the essence of feline, spray it on himself like a perfume and let his missus catch a whiff of the aroma, she'll fall head over heels for him again. So this is what he promptly does. Believe me, I have a very strong stomach, but seeing Dreyfus licking Emily Joyce's elbows and running after a strip of material she drags along the floor almost made me cough up yesterday's breakfast. This was was truly terrible television, and just when you think it can't get any worse than that.. There are five more episodes till the end of this series. And lots more barrels waiting to be scraped, no doubt. Oh, joy. Hang on, is that the Four Horsemen I see above me? Or just wishful thinking on my part?
    mrnotdr I saw a few seconds of the end of this show on PBS a few years ago. Upon not seeing anything else about the show, it disappeared from my radar completely. That is until about three weeks ago when I stumbled across it on my cable on-demand menu. My Hero is the most totally contrived, unfunny, derivative piece of television garbage that the people of earth have seen since Mork and Mindy. But before making a judgment, allow me to say that I am compelled to watch as often as I possibly can. I love this show. I'm all up on each new episode like junkie on a score. I've noticed that I do not even laugh at any of the content of the show, but during the end credits I will laugh at myself for sitting transfixed, wasting my life watching what I can only describe as an absolutely hypnotic half hour of well-timed bad jokes strung together by a outlandish storyline. And I can't stop watching! The characters are charming, (my favorite being Janet's "tit" of a boss Piers) and you may find yourself actually caring for them. I don't know how I feel about the addition of the talking baby (4th or 5th season) but I do know that My Hero will have me in it's trance for some time to come.