TV-MA | 12 May 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Eddie_weinbauer A side from tits and ass+a few brief crotch shots,this show has really nothing going for it.At least not from a my point of view. The whole BDSM thing is rather poorly scripted.I'm far from any expert on the subject,but this is to soft and to cuddly.Only thing missing is a big fluffy teddy bear.Most of the cast seem to be quite fresh and relatively unknown,which is a good thing,cause than you often avoid overacting I feel this series was made for lonely housewife's. It's very stereo typical. The women are always sexually frustrated, but able and willing,and the male is always very fit. Would be nice if they could mix it a little bit more up. But the most funny part here is that the so called master really have very little to bring to the table. First of all he look like the pizza guy, in Fast times At Ridgemont High. Second, his slaves don't respect him at all. Not to mention he goes to great length to give the women orgasm.While hey have to do very little for him,except be there and spread their legs.Gotta be the worst domination in history. Also he doesn't seem to have a lock on his front door.As someone else pointed out in here..Watch basic instinct instead,there you at least have intensity and chemistry
    mgigi My favorite part of Submission was the character played by Justin Berti, Elliot. I thought the execution of this character is exactly what women wanted when they went to see Fifty Shades of Grey. I was one of the many women that were left wanting more out of the Christian Grey character but Elliot has completely filled that void. His voice is perfection, his demeanor and overall persona is just so intriguing and delicious to watch. The show pushes it in many ways but it's not conventional and that's what the women who are curious about that subject want to see. I want to see more of Elliot and I'm hoping they don't keep us waiting for too long....I am waiting for Season 2!
    jonnithomas It is a awful storyline with nothing to say and nothing to do other than grasp breasts and breathe heavily.i'm not a prude and I don't spout the bible and don't agree with censorship. However this is soft porn without a story or a function other than appealing to adolescent boys that dream of penetration and holding is shallow pretentious rubbish that sole function is to show pubic hair, buttocks, mock penetration and breasts.there really is nothing to see here. move along.I now find I haven't written enough lines about this rubbish. OK, if you want to see some soft porn, fine that's up to you. this isn't and you really won't find it stimulating, entertaining or enjoyable.
    jjkoesterfilm First of all, let's be clear: This is NOT "I Love Lucy". Submission is here to push the limits, and push the limits it does. This is the kind of show that is fun to watch now but I really wish was on the air when I was 13 so my friends and I could sneak a viewing while the parents slept.It seems pretty clear that this show got a green light because of the success of 50 Shades of Grey. While the overlap is similar, it will be interesting to see how Submission shakes out over multiple episodes. With more breathing room than a single feature, we get to see multiple relationships build in more complex and interesting ways that we got to see in 50. For anyone who says it's too campy - Nobody reads a romance novel for its trenchant insights into the human spirit's capacity for innovation. For anyone who's rolling their eyes at the amount of BDSM media coming down the pipeline these days, relax. We're just getting more media across the board, regardless of genre or themes. We can all have our cake AND eat it too!