Blue Heelers
Blue Heelers
| 10 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Renny_Sue The show was excellent for most of its run on Australian TV. It had great characters that you genuinely cared about, but it stayed real.The death of the show wasn't Maggie's own death, but it went a long way towards it. The show had lost four core cast members in less than two years and it was never really able to survive that. The blowing up of the station took the unreality to the extreme (can anyone tell me the last time a police station was blown up in this country? Or any building for that matter?) and killed the show dead. Add to that, Tom completely changing and the show was over for me.I'll always remember Blue Heelers for that little Aussie drama that I fell in love with as a kid, but thank God it went off the air before it could get worse.
    TPearcey I love the show Blue Heelers and it is a shame that it has to come to an end after so many years. Why does the series have to end it is such a good series. I like Constaple Jo the best so it was annoying when she had to dye. All the actors play their characters really well except Sarget Jacobs who was a bit comical for his part. Jossepi and Kelly are really good beguines with the series. Most of the plots for the episodes are really good and they capture my attention all the time which is another reason why I watch the series. The setting of Mt. St. Thomas is a really nice place for the shooting the show. It is a lovely place. The Title of Blue Heelers is a good one for the show and suites the show.
    bradles_01 Blue Heelers, is truly one of Australia's most successful television programs. However i feel that the current series is really de-grading to the previous series. What i mean is that it's is just not as good as it once was. I feel that now the show has been axed, it is just too over due. Blue Heelers has definitely run it's course and in my opinion should have ended with the death of Maggie Doyle (Lisa McCune). The reasons for this is because Magggie was Blue Heelers, she was indisputably the most successful cast memeber and really captured the audience and was the 'golden girl' in Mount Thomas. Her sudden death was devastating and should have resulted in the show being canceled.
    Ashley Wincer I was born and raised in Melbourne. Only recently have I moved to the US to get an education and find work. One thing I have missed as a result of moving away is Blue Heelers. I have heard rumours that it is playing on some US Cable companies, but I do not know which ones and where. Anyway if anyone stumbles across the television show, just sit down, have a beer and relax while you watch it. I think it is a little off the realistic track when it comes to police violence, corruption, etc. But it does cover a lot of the boring mundane tasks that police often have to put up with, such as cold burgs, etc. Or perhaps I just miss it because it is Australian??