Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye
Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye
TV-PG | 13 October 2002 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Executscan Expected more
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Kirpianuscus a crime series. different. for the special lead character. but, in same measure, for the cast. because the humor is mixed with a realistic perspective about vulnerabilities and courage and expectations and status of a lady in a circle of men. and, sure, the memories about a cowboy series who gives good name to Yannick Bisson is another good point. so, a nice series, more precise, real nice. not only for fans of crime genre.
    lulu18 I think the show is aimed for the younger group of viewers (late teens, maybe early twenties). Brains go on hold for this one.The premise it takes place in DC is ludicrous. Names, places, streets are mythical.Character are stock people and reality is left at the door. And I do not like "religion" brought into it. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT In one episode, the suspect was mentally slow and they grilled him unmercifully to get a confession, which would have been thrown out of any court since he asked for his sister and they refused. No lawyer present anywhere. They got Sue to get a confession out of him which he recanted. Had he really been the killer, he would be walking through all those errors. And Sue was kind of slow to respond to her being used for political purposes.END OF SPOILER ALERTBut Levi steals the show. I love Goldens and the opening where he jumps in the tub is too cute for words.Strictly for the teenybopper set.
    BethKyleXYnet Sue Thomas FBEye is a fascinating show for several reasons: It's FBI drama. (That's always fascinating.) It's got a team setting with often humorous character interaction. It's got a female lead character with special abilities based neither in science fiction nor plastic surgery. ASL is an awesome and complex language. To be able to effectively use it on TV so that hearing viewers can relate to what's going on is a great achievement. Based on real life stories, the female lead seems like a nice lady who'd make a great friend to anybody. There's a hearing-ear dog! (I'm no Lassie fan, but I like Levi.) Great show! Can't wait for the DVD!
    GURNEYRAMPART The program focuses on a deaf cop who solves crimes in a FBI task force. The show is a crime drama but the show also deals with the disability the main character has and how she deals with it each day. This appraoch is unusual in broadcast tv and makes for the unusual appeal of this program. SUE THOMAS is a good show; it's a good crime drama and drama period.
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