T. J. Hooker
T. J. Hooker
| 13 March 1982 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Stvdel2 This was one of the dopiest shows on TV. Shatner out-Shatnered himself in this one. T.J. is a 50 something police sergeant, with an 80's style dynel toupee, who was named after the discount chain. He has a young partner, played by Adrian Zmed, who Hooker teaches about life and bad acting. At least Zmed never sings on the show. Heather Locklear and James "Moondoggie" Darren were added to the cast to look pretty.
    OllieSuave-007 This is one of the first TV crime dramas that I have watched, starring William Shatner as Sgt. T.J. Hooker - a veteran policeman dedicated to be out on the streets battling crime and putting the low-lives where they belong.Partnering with T.J. Hooker is rookie partner Vince Romano (Adrian Zmed) the beautiful Stacy Sheridan (Heather Locklear). The trio is the team to be reckon with, exhibiting much justice and generating lots of good guy vs. bad guy action. Plenty of adventures, great acting, suspense and humor, as well.One of the greatest shows to ever come out of the 1980s, definitely remind you of the good old days of awesome TV! Grade A
    andrew jones Let's make this real brief.An ageing cop called hooker....you know it makes sense. I watched this when i was a too young to know better back in the 80's,i saw an episode or two on sky a little while ago..ewwwwFirst rate drivel with William shatner lurching about, out running younger criminals,being an all round hero and all while over acting in his normal manner! Not to mention the fact he has skinned a poodle and seems to be wearing it on his head.Every opening sequence we are treated to the cheesy music and a good shot of the gut as "Hooker" sprints into action.Avoid this like a car with no brakes.
    laurmartin I'm trying to get everything I can that James Darren was in released to DVD. He was the best actor and the best looking on this show. There are 16 signatures so far on the petition. More are needed. Actually if it wasn't for James Darren, who should have had his own show, I could care less, but he was on it so there you go. He's under rated as an actor because of his looks. This is unfair. He should have been a bigger star. It's not to late. He may be 70 but he's still alive. He's a good singer too. Sign the petition. They do have the five or six minute mini episodes on my space out but this is not good enough. He was very good in Time Tunnel also.