The Assets
The Assets
TV-14 | 02 January 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Lynne A Phillips Although the first few episodes seemed slow-paced to my wife and me, overall, we really enjoyed this series. It gave us some real insight as to how the spy business operates. The brutality of the Russians was particularly memorable along with how bureaucratic the CIA is. The actress who played Sandy Grimes was excellent. She even looked a lot like the real Sandy Grimes. We both wanted to smash the Aldrich Ames character in the face. Highly recommended.
    glizze1 I can't understand the good reviews for this show. I agreed with most reviewed it honestly. I had to laugh at the person that gave it 5 stars noting a geographical error. Is that really the reason you gave it a 5? That is like people that leave negative reviews for a product on Amazon that was received broken during shipment. That is not an actual evaluation of the product! I agree completely with the viewer that wrote "If Lifetime got a hold of an AMC script." But even the script is badly written. I didn't find any of the actors to be believable in any way. I don't buy that Rick even got into the CIA to begin with, my God he's so transparent and shifty it's like a farce of some sort. And why the heck would his girlfriend be SO EXTREMELY upset when he confesses that he doesn't work at the state department that he is actually CIA? Seriously? HE IS SUPPOSED TO LIE TO YOU...IT'S KIND OF HIS JOB! It's like she has no concept of national security which is not believable when she herself works at an embassy. I am interested to know just how historically accurate this show is considering how amateurish these CIA agents seem to be. The intensity of invasive vetting, background checks, physical and mental examination then continues through employment should have weeded people like Rick out. In fact aside from the president, the CIA has the most intense hiring process in America. Also, Grimes home life felt forced with the rebellious teen and the understanding and supportive husband. Her husband is so syrupy sweet I could barely stand it and do we believe that at this point in their marriage she even has to keep saying "You know I can't tell you that."
    Athena_of_Ancient_Greece I would vote this as a "10" if the stupid Olympics hadn't butted in on everything (Didn't Watch!). This mini-series was supposed to be eight (8) episodes and only two (2) were ever shown!! Nice job, DISH, etc.!!This requires 10 lines and I can't possibly say any more than I have, so I will borrow from a previous comment (by 18 January 2014 | (bethesda): I am waiting for ABC to let the other 6 episodes be available for streaming. Many fictional mysteries start with the same premise of knowing who the culprit is. It can still be a great journey in solving the situation. My 16 year old was choosing to put down his electronic devices and and watch this with us. I also enjoy the non dramatic way that home life people with security clearance jobs are shown. My only confusion was why it was an almost all British cast for a very American show and topic. However they were doing the accents well. My husband and I were young enough when these real events happened that we really only read the headlines and it fascinating to get a more in depth look at the happenings.
    sdgrmt I am waiting for ABC to let the other 6 episodes be available for streaming. Many fictional mysteries start with the same premise of knowing who the culprit is. It can still be a great journey in solving the situation. My 16 year old was choosing to put down his electronic devices and and watch this with us. I also enjoy the non dramatic way that home life people with security clearance jobs are shown. My only confusion was why it was an almost all British cast for a very American show and topic. However they were doing the accents well. My husband and I were young enough when these real events happened that we really only read the headlines and it fascinating to get a more in depth look at the happenings.