The Night Manager
The Night Manager
TV-MA | 21 February 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    PodBill Just what I expected
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    jbdet I saw the buzz about this show long before I ever watched it. I wasn't keen on starting a show that was only 1 season long with no follow-up season on the books. I'm glad I took a chance and sided with quality vs quantity. Even if there is never a season 2, Season 1 of The Night Manager stands alone as high quality television well worth the watch. While the stars of the show (Hiddleston & Laurie) do a fine job of acting, it is the supporting characters that steal the show. Elizabeth Debicki as 'Jed', Tom Hollander's 'Corkey', and Tobias Menzies take the show from good to great.A spy thriller of the highest order, The Night Manager shouldn't be skipped10/10
    herostratus-690-719695 This short-series is absolute mainstream-garbage! Why? 1. The series has a shallow plot, knit from a mindset-pattern that is easy to see through: "Good" guy «kills» "bad" guy - under the applause of the audience. This is utterly boring and not very realistic - nothing new, no surprises, all in all an excellent sleeping pill.2. The series makes part of overall manipulative mass-media, following basically Hollywood-propaganda-rules: The attentive viewer may easily detect the old revenge-mould or perpetrator-victim-saviour-pattern - which is meanwhile as boring as useless, because it changes nothing. We already live in a world of violence, and we all know that. This series does only perpetuate this, nothing less nothing more. The revenge-and-destroy-logic, by which most western countries operate and function today, is promoted in this series and is responsible for probably most governmental breaking-the-law-in-order-to-do-good-myths. "People don't change", as "House M.D." once put it - at least not as long governments do not respect even their own constitutions. In the case of this shallow series, "the bad guy" is depicted, of course, as "really mean" (kills children, beats wife) and therefore has to be destroyed or killed. But this rule has proved itself as totally useless in fighting violence - which somehow makes this series pointless and superfluous.3. The series represents political mainstream brainwash: That there are evil forces within every government we already know. That there are starry-eyed idealists or brainless do-gooders around, always ready to save the rotten world, is also well-known. So what's the point? Even the main protagonist does not know why he does what he's doing, and maybe this is the best part of this bad series: the successful portrayal of a totally shallow "hero" who has no self at all, who has no motives whatsoever. If he'd say "I" he would have no clue at all what that would mean - an unconscious ant, shambling through live like under drugs. So the end justifies the means? So we are entitled to travel around the world, meet interesting people and kill them? So the empire is allowed to cause "collateral damage" where ever it wants to - it does not matter? No, it does matter! Maybe we could see real changes as soon as such films are no longer produced. Maybe that would be a sign of real change: that nobody would watch such garbage anymore. All in all we really know already (and are fed up with the fact) that governments are the greatest criminals today (and the hidden states and so-called "elites" behind them even more). But the movie wants to make us believe that there are governmental forces that really care - for humanistic reasons even. Untrue. See current destruction of this earth and the ever-ongoing killing of people (best current example: Syria, another land destroyed by the big white west).Summary: Mainstream garbage at it's worst. I only watched it because I liked Hugh Laurie as "HOUSE M.D."! Now I am betrayed of 8 hours of my precious lifetime. Thank you, dear Night-Garbage-Managers.
    whoopdeeedoo This series is a superb execution of the thriller genre in which an amateur sleuth finds himself in the midst of powerful forces he can only guess at. The action becomes more interesting when he realizes what's up and begins making his own choices.Overall, the performance is controlled and believable, with enough turns and reversals to delight the ardent mystery buff.More like this!
    egasulla OK, maybe not dead altogether, but dated for sure. LeCarre worked -and subsequently became a writer- in a time before religion mixed with (or took over?) politics and suicide bombers took over suave gun-carrying secret agents. So his adventures look dated per se. Yet, his skeptical view of international politics allows him to be enjoyable by the readers, or viewers, who do not believe everything is black or white. The hallmark of a LeCarre story is, halfway through it you are still unsure of who to root for (sometimes all the way to the end) Sadly, all that is lost in this adaptation. The villains may be charming, but it's very clear they are baaaaad, and if the good guys (they are depicted in crystal clear manner too) don't get them, their own clients will. All the bad guys get is the sarcastic one liners -but in the end they are going down. It's a Bond plot without the gadgets, which are the only thing that makes Bond movies barely watchable.It could be a consequence of the American market, where gray toned nuances have never been popular, and are soundly rejected by today's good-beats-bad, happy-ending-seeking crowd. But the fact that English actors and crew work in this one, and it was indeed premiered in Brit TV before coming to the US, seems to say that our friends across the pond have also grown tired of moral ambiguity. So, I guess a London-based superhero is coming soon to the small screen -while in the real world, people die in conflicts which are not even remotely similar to these ones.