TV-Y | 16 August 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    rennyraccoon Greatest Anime of all time. This is so good that it cured my Cancer. If it hadn't existed. Then I would not even be here. Writing this review right now. Loved this so much that I dodged Death's punch to my face. I am now crying because I hurt his feelings. :(Just a heads up to those who have or will get cancer in the future. Make sure that you stand up to your bullies. Just make sure you don't hurt their feelings. Instead, try your best to be nice to them. Because nobody should go through getting cancer.
    gavinwrivera Lazytown is the best cartoon for children of ages 5-9 years old. I'm sad this show got canceled, but the gap between season 2 and 3 is pretty big. It took almost 10 years. Maybe in another 10 years they will make season 5. I'm so excited for season 5. I love sports candy, 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🍍🥝🥑🥕🌽. I love to exercise, ⚽️ 🏀🏈⚾️🎾 🏐🏓🏒🏑🏏⛳️🏊🏿🏊🏾‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏼.
    ladymidath Although my youngest is ten, all my other kids are teens, we all watch this show. It is both funny and entertaining. The characters are all portrayed with real foibles that are used to gently teach kids to make good choices such as loyalty, being true to yourself etc. The town's hero is a kind, patient father figure to the children while the villain is a grincy grump who just wants peace and quiet but also has a soft side to him as well. The little girl, Stephanie, is a talented dancer and singer that really injects life into the show. The message in the show is simple but effective. Eat a healthy diet and play games, but most of all-have fun. Kids really respond to this and it is nice to finally see a childens show that does not talk down to kids. How anyone can find Lazytown creepy is beyond me. The show is good natured and has a gentle humour despite its frenetic pace. Even though has a hero and a villain, there is no violence, no humiliation. The central message here is kindness, inclusion and friendship. A message that is so sadly lacking in so many kids shows today.
    ASicilia Yes! Yes, I know a ten?!? Read on people: If you have no kids under the age of 12, there is no point in reading this. If you have kids under 16 months of age, why are YOU sitting them in front of the TV in the first place? This is for parents whose kids are at kindergarten or the first elementary school years. If you are them, enjoy! You can chose to believe or not, but we at home do not allow more than 120 accumulated TV minutes for the kids. We keep'em busy, and we make them play for an hour before they can sit 30 mins. in front of the tube.But Lazy Town is NOT within those 60 minutes.Lazy Town has a ten from both my wife and me because it makes something WE didn't think possible: both our kids are ACTUALLY jumping and running and doing push-ups DURING the show.Our girl who is 5, wants to dance and jump like "Stephanie" (and she MUST be a gymnast her self!) and our not-even-2-year-old... man oh man!! He wants Sportacus to watch HIM! When ever "Sportacus" comes into the screen, my kids yells "DOOR!" Jumps off the couch and stars doing mock-cart wheels and one-arm push-ups, he places both hands on the floor and raises one of his tinny little feet as high as he can because he's standing on his hands. Then he lands on the floor again and leaps as high as his imagination can launch him back on the couch again -that is for the commercial break.So you see, if your kids are going to copy EVERYTHING they are going to see on TV, would you not rather have them copying push-ups and high-kicks and jumps and asking you for "sports candy" (that's an apple).Many more seasons please!
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