TV-MA | 05 February 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
    Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    lacatusalexandru Animals may not be as popular as the well known animated shows like:South Park,The Simpsons,Rick and Morty,Archer and Futurama and that's because the show was released last year(2016) and that's makes it a newbie around the other great animated shows,but the show is only at the beginning and it still has a lot of potential to become very popular or even as popular and great as Archer or Rick and Morty but that remains to be seen.The thing is that Animals would have been well known by the audience if it was on Adult Swim or Netflix,rather than being on HBO.Channels like Adult Swim or Netflix know how to highlight the best of a TV show and how to promote that show.What I liked about this show were the humor and the funny jokes as well as the original story.
    calvinnme ...which I watched in its entirety yesterday. I came across the show quite by accident. I was flipping through channels when HBO's Animals caught my eye. I figured it was going to be another attempt at stealing South Park's thunder as kings of adult cartoons. I was wrong. Like South Park, the minimalist animation keeps the focus on the dialogue which is a social commentary on sibling rivalry, sexual identity, steroids, bullying, how the roots of traditions need to be tested, and just some situations that show how people - shown as animals - in different phases of life deal with situations in general. The show has an improvisational spirit, and everything said has a reaction that is hilarious, but not in a staged or forced way. Each episode of the first season is named after the primary animal that is the focus - "Squirrels", "Rats", "Cats", "Dogs", etc. All of them are living in New York City. In parallel with these animals dealing with what is for the most part, every day life, there is an ugly tale of human life going on in which there is corruption in high places, adultery, and murder. The humans never speak in recognizable words. They just speak gibberish like the adults in Charlie Brown do - "wah wah wah blah blah" - or something similar. It is the animals who speak and often eloquently so. Only in the last episode does the ugly tale of human behavior that has been building in all of the episodes intersect with the stories of the animals, and then in the most ironic way possible.
    magiccircle I've never written a review on here before, but I was quite honestly surprised at the negative reviews on here and also on other sites. This show has the very best mix of hysterical and quirky and I just love the way creators (Mike and Phil) and their alter-ego "animal" characters all interact, also with the guest cast members/comedians of the week. It really captures the light and shade of urban New York perfectly, and even manages to make it all look somewhat edgy, with a killer soundtrack to boot, (honestly, the music is awesomeness!!) In essence, this show does perfectly what recent New York based show "Vinyl" was trying to do. Vinyl could really take notes from these guys, they are doing it right. I love it, it's a fantastic show. Watch and enjoy! You're welcome🙂
    ctilitoo Firstly, I must say, Matarese and Luciano very clearly intended the animation to be as it is. This is not a 3D, real life, graphically enhanced animation show; it's not intended to be! It actually reminds me of a great comic, The Far Side.I found this show to be rather humorous. The way in which plots are written to actually reflect specific situations each animal could actually find themselves in, IMHO, is pretty creative, and clearly shows the extent of imagination the writers have. I could clearly see several of today's top comedic actors playing in a human version plot.*spoiler*For example:1. The rats... Numerous references about things they all deal with, i.e. The albino lab rat changing; the blue pill; the cracker; taking the cheese after the trap closed... 2. The pigeons... Phil-- oh Phil. I loved Phil. Why? Because bird sexing is extremely difficult because most don't have external genitalia. So to me, because of the plausibility, it was just so funny! And the credits commercial was great. I'd love to see more of those in every ending!3. The cats... The catnip and the shot box with Mike's name carved out on the inside. 4. The horses... Talking about their job preference. Of course I could list every single thing, but these were just a few that stood out because of the originality. The imagination to include all the small details, or simple little statements, are what make this such a unique show. Sure, it is not going to be for everyone, especially if one is unable to see beyond the animation or through the adult humor, and actually delve deeper into the imaginative process of those who had the idea for the show and ran with it!