Four Kings
Four Kings
| 05 January 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
    hddu10 For months leading up to the premier, the series was hyped as "from the creators of Will and Grace"...which was code for "another gay-themed sit-com". Yet despite every episode having to do with gay double entendres, gay comparisons, homoerotic story-lines (one of the most cringe-worthy being the episode where everyone starts ogling Todd Grinnell's character in the gym when it is revealed he has a supposedly large member) none of the actual characters were gay. The series sought to blur the lines between "metrosexual" (every male cast members was apparently done up by the "queer eye" crew) and being gay, especially in NYC. Yet at the same time, we were supposed to have some sort of schadenfreude relationship with the Seth Green character for being borderline obnoxious alpha-male, and laugh/cheer when he received his inevitable embarrassing comeuppance every episode...which didn't work since he is 2 feet shorter than everyone else in the cast, so it simply came off as sad and a bit cruel. I can't remember if this show lasted 3 or 4 episodes, but either would have been too long.
    brynnkk Sylvia says: I love Seth Green. His appearances on THat 70s' Show is always worth watching but last night, I felt the show needed to overhauled. Four single young guys inherit a New York City apartment that most of us would die for. The grandmother must have been an heiress to have such space in the first place. So I felt the need for realism should have been brought out. Anyway the plot about four best friends getting this apartment was not believable. I would have been thrilled if they had to move in with one of their parents which would have provided great humor and dysfunctional about the show's set up. There did not seem to be much humor in it. I am only watching it because it falls before My Name is Earl on a winning Thursday night. I think they should go back, scrap this series, and start over. We need more family involved series. How about Seth and his friends move in with his wacky parents in the suburbs after a fire burns their place down. THey could have Dabney Coleman play the father and Christine Estabrook, play the mother and dysfunctional siblings. The list of possibilities with somebody like Seth Green are endless and the network is blowing it.I say...what?! The show is actually very adorable. 'Earl' is the show that needs to be removed from existence.
    bregund I normally like Seth Green in anything he does, but as the Barney Fife/Jack Mcfarland comedy relief character in this show, he's terrible. It's not his fault of course, it's the terrible writing. This show is awful, the characters have no chemistry. It's always a bad sign during promos when they pitch the show with the words: "from the creators of...". In this case, it's "from the creators of Will and Grace", as though the TV-viewing public is supposed to instantly like the show just because it's from the creators of another hit show. In one awful scene in the pilot, Seth Green repeatedly propositions his brother's girlfriend, right in front of his brother. It might have been funny if written properly, but Green comes off as a creepy pervert instead of a two-dimensional clown, a la Jack Mcfarland. I don't see this show lasting very long at all, people just won't watch it.
    Syl I love Seth Green. His appearances on THat 70s' Show is always worth watching but last night, I felt the show needed to overhauled. Four single young guys inherit a New York City apartment that most of us would die for. The grandmother must have been an heiress to have such space in the first place. So I felt the need for realism should have been brought out. Anyway the plot about four best friends getting this apartment was not believable. I would have been thrilled if they had to move in with one of their parents which would have provided great humor and dysfunctional about the show's set up. There did not seem to be much humor in it. I am only watching it because it falls before My Name is Earl on a winning Thursday night. I think they should go back, scrap this series, and start over. We need more family involved series. How about Seth and his friends move in with his wacky parents in the suburbs after a fire burns their place down. THey could have Dabney Coleman play the father and Christine Estabrook, play the mother and dysfunctional siblings. The list of possibilities with somebody like Seth Green are endless and the network is blowing it.