Comanche Moon
Comanche Moon
| 13 January 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    milest-30909 I am generally not a big Steve Zahn fan because of his comedy acting career where he almost always plays the clueless dummy,; However this series shows he can act as a solid lead in a non comedy role as a versitile actor with skills that are realistic in natural fashion that makes the audience believe in the part he portrays. The caracter that he played fell right into place with Robert Duvall taking over the series as Gus with the same emphisis on the vocal speech as well as the character variances. Val Kilmer was, as always a great character role, but I think he could have been more of the powerfull character than was portrayed. (writers fault) His acting as always was impecable! There is also a GREAT cast of actors to make this mini series a MUST to watch. One bad note is the last part of the three part series shows the series jump forward in time without knowing what happened to the players that were cut with weak explanations as to their demise. There should have been two or three more episodes (and maybe there were) to show the progression of life as it turned into the Lonesome Dove series. Everyone was left wondering how the new born boy was 6-7-8 years old, but the father, and mother only aged slightly; However the part of Kilmer (and others) seemed to have aged 20 years or more?
    star_in_the_zenith_79 Comanche Moon may have been one of the most anticipated films ever for me, as well as the most anticipated stories. When you think about it, this novel and movie should have been amazing. Call, Augustus, Deets, Jake, and Pea Eye all in their prime, the West still even more wild than Lonesome Dove, young Blue Duck, not to mention the great warriors Buffalo Hump and Kicking Wolf whose characters were built up greatly in Dead Man's Walk. With a setting like this how could it miss? If this had been done right it could have easily outshone even the original Lonesome Dove, the setup was just that good.But it was mostly a disappointment. It was way to rushed, did not truly recapture the characters we came to love so much in Lonesome Dove, was inconsistent in many ways from the history outlined in Lonesome Dove, and strayed away from the original characters to much. It was almost like an unfeeling and unemotional documentary of the lives of Gus and Call prior to Lonesome Dove, and an inconsistent one at that. I'm not going to go into to much detail about how it failed to truly establish and develop the characters to being what we knew and loved in Lonesome Dove, but it will be obvious as you watch it. Overall, Zahn and Urban probably did the best jobs of playing Call and McCrae since Duvall and Jones, but the problem was far more with the source material. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't terrible, but it fell well short of what it could been. You almost get the sense McMurtry was trying to just get this over with, and as a result did a great story a terrible injustice.
    jcoffland I just watched Lonesome Dove, Return To Lonesome Dove, Streets Of Laredo and Dead Man's Walk. All excellent. This sorry hunk of junk is cheaply done and poorly acted.In the previous series, Captain Call and Gus McCrae come off as tough respectable cowboys. Despite the fact that Caption Call is played by a different actor every time each one quickly won me over. In Dead Man's Walk the boys are believable as the younger versions of the experienced Texas rangers. In Comanche Moon they are just a couple of chubby rednecks. I had to stop watching.I suspect many of the glowing reviews for this show were written by the people who made this stinking pile. It's a sorry end to an otherwise great franchise.
    ubesmiley The casting on this film is incredible! You could actually go straight into Lonesome Dove and believe you were watching the characters age. The acting was amazing. Every character gave you a glimpse into the mind set of the original actors. Perhaps not all scenes were historically correct, however, I don't believe that was the purpose of the film. I believe it was meant to give us an insight into the connections that formed the bond we all came to love in the original film, and that it did accomplish beautifully. I hope it shows again followed by the original. Again, this casting director did a stellar job of casting, I want to see more of her work. Thank you for three lovely evenings of entertainment!