The White Queen
The White Queen
TV-MA | 16 June 2013 (USA)

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    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Freedom060286 This is a very enjoyable historical TV series with great acting and excellent direction. As a history buff, I liked the historical accuracy. Having read several books on the Wars of the Roses, for the most part I knew what would happen before seeing it, yet found it entertaining. Nearly all of the major events shown in this TV series actually happened, and real events for me are far more interesting than fiction. Of course The White Queen isn't perfectly historically accurate, no movie or TV series ever is. But it is much more so than, for example, the TV series Vikings on the History channel, which has men who lived in different centuries (Ragnar and Rollo) portrayed as brothers, and makes Alfred the Great out to be the illegitimate son of a monk. The character of the Duke of Clarence and Richard III are portrayed more accurately than elsewhere, for example the silly 1962 movie Tower of London. Phillipa Gregory is a superb writer, as she pays more attention to historical detail in her writing than Michael Hirst, making her characters seem more realistic, having them come to life. Unlike Bernard Cornwell, she doesn't portray people from certain demographics in a degrading way. Most of the cast were well-chosen. Max Irons fit the physical description of Edward IV. Eleanor Tomlinson was perfect as Isabel Neville, as was Faye Marsay as Anne. I liked the choice of Aneurin Barnard as Richard III - nice to see Richard without a severely crooked back, since that was largely the invention of writers who demonized him during the Tudors reigns and had little basis in reality. Barnard fits the real historical description of Richard, who although not as tall as most other Plantagenet men, was athletic and capable in combat.
    GeoPierpont OK so my historical background of this war is rather limited. I found the "War of the Roses" to be about as convoluted as this inception and was prepared to expect less from the get go.I did not find the sex scenes gratuitous, but the harrowing birthing scenes ad nauseum, pahleeze! I imagine this POV was to exhibit the empowerment of women but I never really appreciated this in dialogue, presence and plot. All I perceived was fear, suspicions, witchcraft, voodoo, and plain ol sissy stuff. Everyone was polluted with a power trip and was a predictable plot element. Lady Margaret's facial expressions were painful vs sympathetic and found her role annoying and discomforting. Her ultimate reward for her patience and strong beliefs were powerful but diluted with her poor acting.I had no concept of how intricate the plot thickens as the series progresses and was ill prepared for the complexities as I did a power play and watched the entire season in 2 sittings. What did viewers do after an entire week of not recalling names, faces, goals, and devious deeds. This timeframe represents an incredible history lesson and the producers needed to slow down to allow us fledglings to comprehend the full repercussions of family ties.High recommend for dysfunctional family sympathy and a hint of how crazy royal life was for a spell. I do not think the peasants were as much affected as their lives were already horrific. Dark material with few breathers.
    Anniebiz85 For all these rants about historical accuracy: go find a dusty little corner of a library and get your fill. This is a television series, which must embody romance, suspense, and conflict, as well as reasonable historic points. Some story lines must end, and some fabricated. It's just a TV series people, relax! To call the performances "wooden" is a statement that holds no merit. The acting, casting, and writing is of impeccable standards. The cinematography is charming. I was captured from the first few minutes. The actors deliver. You believe the evil, the anguish, the pressure and politics. Sex is not strewn about in a gratuitous manner, nor violence and gore, and even still, not at the expense of tone and intensity. The mother is convincingly a wise and powerful soul, as is Elizabeth, portrayed perfectly. I LOVE this series and sincerely hope for more seasons.
    leyspoon This will make you very angry if you're watching this and you have any common sense. King Edward is so naive that it makes you want to cut the t.v. off; he doesn't have any will to protect his family from the treacherous schemes of his family and others who want to kill him for a spot on the throne. Furthermore, this is a sickening amount of incest going on in this series..I mean come on, the writer could have salvaged princess Elizabeth's character by keeping her a virgin and waiting on Henry Tudor (King-to-be)which she had plans on marrying him and becoming Queen anyway, instead of sleeping with her uncle, who stole the throne right from up under her brother. Oh, and don't get me started on Margaret Beauford and Lady Anne ....can you say retards?! Lady Beauford had great acting but the writing made me want to choke her in scene she appeared, same thing for Anne. I don't know about the writers of this one. They all need to sit back and learn a thing or two about dramas before anyone ever gives them a job like this again.
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