TV-14 | 19 July 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    Mia Rowantree The producers of this show must have gone through a lot of trouble to find the whitest actors of color on earth. Ancient Egyptians were either black or possibly middle-eastern, i.e much like today. Tutankhamun's death mask show distinct African facial features and all depictions show him and the people around as having brown skin. Since there is no shortage of talented black or middle-eastern actors this can only be described as good old fashioned white wash, like a modern 'Lawrence of Arabia'.It bothered me so much that I didn't make beyond 7.42 minutes, because in combination with the really bad acting, this show was unbearable to watch. Moreover, in reality Tutankamun was severely disabled by skeletal disease, and could likely not stand up straight unaided, much less be a fierce fighter. One word: 'ugh'. Muse Entertainment should be ashamed of themselves.Muse Entertainment should be ashamed of themselves.
    shani_dayo I will give this series a 9, because I found the casting, the acting, costuming, pacing, sets, and storyline to be extremely well done! This is one of the best T.V series about a historical figure, or based on one that I have seen in a long time! Even though "Tut" keeps your creative juices flowing and entertains You it may not be the most accurate information or take on Ancient Egyptians, or King Tut's life. I feel the writers may have made a lot of this up for ratings, because little was really known about this boy king as the called Tut. I'm sorry, but I have to nitpick here. Ancient Egyptians had dark skin, they were not white People or Mexican People made to look darker than they truly are, other than that I was appalled by the graphic sex scenes, so this is possibly not a movie for children or adults that do not like to see that kind of content.
    zozer-54226 I'm visiting Egypt for the second time, next week, and this series is a real tonic! Wow! Fast paced, wonderful scenery, great sets, lovely costumes and a powerful script. Very cool indeed. Why the Mitanni kings are black, though, defies logic ... they were from Syria. I guess the producers wanted black representation in ancient history, even though it never existed. Would black TV audiences really refuse to watch a miniseries about King Tutankhamun just because there were no black actors in it? Of course not! Grow up Hollywood!!!!The casting is superb, Tutankhamun is a dark, embittered youth, that kicks back at his historical portrayal as a teen aged victim of Egyptian politics, shades of Frank Herbet's DUNE. Ankhesunamen is fabulously gorgeous and Ay (Ben Kingsley), is perfect in his role.
    nickluyten I read several of the reviews to see anyone said what I was gonna say and didn't look like it so far so here goes.I noticed that allot of people really liked the show, I also thought it was pretty good, but I got the idea the reason for that is, that it's actually Hamlet from Shakespeare with an Egyptian outfit. For those who don't know Hamlet, The Lion King was also the story of Hamlet. Try to see if you find any similarities. You will find many. I did enjoy watching it but I was hoping for a series about ancient Egypt, but except for looking Egyptian it had nothing to do with ancient Egypt so that's why I'm a bit disappointed. There is very little known about Tutankhamen but a few things they do know like who is parents where Ikhnaton and his sister who's name is unknown. they introduced Monotheism during there rule. When Tut became Pharaoh the old gods where reintroduced, probably the clergy took advantage of the young naive pharaoh but none know's, would have been nice if at least there was something about that in the series.
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