Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story
Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story
| 05 March 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    MyrPraune I have not read all the Anne books. I don't like the flowery style of Lucy Maud Montgomery that much. But the 2 first TV series were really nicely done, with the romantic and "frilly" side of the story being anchored with really good interpretation. But this is just horrible. It really plays like an excuse to try and bank of the previous success of the 2 first series; the story is ridiculous, the characters so shallow it's a real joke. There is NONE of the warmth and charm of the first series. Even the character of Anne... I mean, it's Megan Follows, normally she should have been able to play Anne like she's done it before........ But with such a screenplay and dialogue, there's no way to do a good job. I felt cheated after this; I felt like the characters and the story that I really loved had been used for $$$ and cheapened. Yuck. I still give a 4 for the fondness of remembering those characters and a certain curiosity in seeing them again on screen.
    meg_p_o I have not even seen this film, just read the summary and watched some clips on you tube. What a terrible sacrilege they've done to dear Anne and Gilbert, and all the other characters. For one, both Anne and Gilbert look so old, and Anne's clothes are simply awful. Whatever happened to the beautiful dresses she wore in Anne 1 and 2? And why, oh, why, couldn't they have made this third film in, like, 1989? Why wait so long? How dare you!! as Anne would say, to have Anne old and childless and waiting STILL for Gilbert to marry her? How dare you ignore The House of Dreams and Leslie and Owen Ford and Ingleside and Prince Edward Island and everything that is so lovable about the Anne books? Please, someone,some good director, make the Anne movies again, the whole thing if you must, but follow the L.M. Montgomery series faithfully, and it will be successful,guaranteed!Even if you can't have Megan Follows and Jonathan Crombie(who were the best Anne and Gilbert that shall ever exist)Plese give it try.
    elizabethanne628 I agree with so many of the comments...but just to add my very sad, little two cents: 1. Anne NEVER would have let Green Gables go like that... 2. Everyone does look really old, which if course is not their fault but it does make a difference. What took the director so long?!..and to make *this* 3. Someone posted about how the behavior is more like 2000 than 1900 and it is. Anne and Gilbert never would have basically made out on the beach as they do within the first few minutes. They wouldn't have traveled to NYC unmarried to live together either. Also, Diana never would have been so candid about her marriage being emotionally empty. Did anyone even talk about that with such language back then?I could go on and on, but this movie broke my heart. What a tragedy! Avoid it or watch it with caution and Kleenex while your mourn the loss of the hope of a good third film to end the trilogy.
    madetofall I'm not going to say that this was the best movie of all time or that it went on perfectly with the story.Much like Harry Potter as some defined I don't imagine this went with the books all that well. But personally, and perhaps I'm alone in this, I found it to be a great step for the character.Anne was always a powerful capable individual and she had so much unrestrained personality that needed to be explored further. Some of the things that occurred in the third installment (the nun thing) were a bit out of whack, I'll admit. But the concept of what she was doing really defined what her character was in my opinion.She set out to find the love that she pushed aside for the great majority of both the prior movies. And she ran farther and worked harder than anything in order to get that back. It really defines how she started and where she came from and persevered through it all. And became this powerful woman and kept herself so capably.No, it may not go along with the original story. And that is always sad.But in that case define it as "Horrible in relation to the book".Calling it the worst movie ever, or the most horrible film, is both a lie and a disrespectful statement. Those who cannot make that distinction need to seriously reconsider their standing on the final installment. It's a wonderful movie. Just not in the original series of events. Minus the third one the Harry Potter series has been fantastic! Unless you were looking from the standpoint of the book.So, yes, the continuing story of Anne of Green Gables is a great film with beautiful acting and a compelling story. Megan Follows once more delivers an outstanding performance as Anne Shirley Blythe. And the whole series is in total, a classic and worth owning.