Journey to the Center of the Earth
Journey to the Center of the Earth
| 14 September 1999 (USA)

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    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
    f-w-taylor I read the reviews before watching this and was intrigued by how polarised they are. I'm somewhere in the middle - I was entertained by the movie and thought it was well cast and acted. The standards of production are good for a made-for-TV movie, and the effects are not exactly Avatar, but OK for 1999.The lack of faithfulness to Verne is irrelevant - they have to acknowledge him for the idea and theme, but there's no obligation or expectation to act out the book in every detail.The main weakness for me was the childish humour and the usual prudery in bathing scenes etc, It's funny what convention allows audiences to see and hear, or not. In summary, not a waste of time if you like this sort of thing, but pitched mainly at kids; it would have been more fun with a harder dramatic edge.
    ragreen259 But I have to say, it takes a set of balls the size of ostrich eggs to make a movie and put a title on it that belongs to an entirely different story. Jules Verne is spinning in his grave on this one, believe me--this isn't even vaguely in line with the book. None of the characters even have the same name, fer crying' out loud! There's tribes of lizard men and humans living down there, AND THE HUMANS SPEAK English!! I did find the movie entertaining however, my only real issue with it is blatantly stealing the name of one of the greatest science fiction fantasies ever written in history and dropping it on another story in the blatant interest of tricking people to come in and think that they're about to witness the real thing. For God's sake, they even credit Jules Verne!!! For what, writing the title? On the up side, the women are all beautiful, but on the other hand, the men don't look like any of them, at least the subterranean dwellers, have bathed in years. What IS that stuff on them, anyway, if not dirt.I hear that they're remaking Plan 9 From Outer Space next year, and they're going to call it Gone With the Wind.
    halo_67 The acting is overdone. The animation is weak at best. They try to make up for lack of visionary effects by attempting to overwhelm us with beautiful people with tons of sexual tension. The story itself is an adaptation from an amazing book. However the movie done in the 70's was far more entertaining. You would think that with the stunning advances of cinematography, even a B-rate movie such as this would be more aesthetically pleasing film than the actual tripe it is. I guess you get what you pay for when it comes to movies containing Treat Williams, or say, Lorenzo Lamas. My favorite part of the movie is when the ending credits rolled.
    sauron256 This film was just an ego-trip for evolutionists, allowing them to bring across that they teach 'the truth' and that everyone else is wrong. They try to do it in a way that is subtle, hoping that it won't be so offensive that way, but it still is.Even without this, the film is bad bad bad. The story-line and acting are nothing short of pathetic, especially the chick who falls in love with Treat; did they pick her up from the streets or something? If you want to see a good TV film, watch Jason and the Argonauts instead; Jason is much better than his brother Jeremy.
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