| 18 May 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    trashgang First of all, this was made for television. So gorehounds do know to stay away from this flick. It was made in two parts, each part taking in a whole flick. I also noticed that a lot of Jaws freaks were searching this talked about creature feature. But it surely isn't about the great white. It's a combination between horror and science fiction. But don't think you will see some kind of Alien rip-off. It do has some scary moments but the attacks are filmed off-screen. It never is bloody or even messy like Jaws. By clocking in over 150 minutes it sometimes takes too long to keep you attracted. If they had made it a 90 minute feature it would have been very nice. Kim Catrall is in it and is showing of in diving gear for the 'sex and the city' fans. The monster, not Kim I mean, is okay, you can see that it was some kind of shark turning in a creature like that one in Creature From The Black lagoon. I didn't hate it, but it's okay to watch with your kids
    Bjorn (ODDBear) As a TV mini-series, Creature ranks pretty much as first rate.Although hardly original story wise, it's still an interesting creature feature flick that doesn't have too many lulls despite it's three hour running time. There are moments you could easily see get the axe should this be pruned down to feature length but overall the film runs along smoothly and at an adequate pace.It's quite atmospheric at times and suspenseful and special effects are top notch. There's not any gore here and a seasoned horror fan can easily see where some red grue and more could have been spliced in. But no matter, it works despite that. The cast is also quite good with Craig T. Nelson in top form and Kim Cattrall looking lovely as ever.Verdict: 7 out of 10. A very good time filler on a slow night.
    MartianOctocretr5 If you need a good laugh, here's the comedy for you.Let's start with the characters, which are all stereotypes or over-the-top whack jobs. After 25 years of not doing anything, an escaped mutant beast finally decides to eat something, so mutilated corpses start floating to the surface on the beaches of a Caribbean island. No sea monster movie is complete without the dumb local cop who ignores a scientist's warnings about the problem. The idiot teen angst son who just keeps getting in his Daddy's hair, needs to be put on time out. Local voodoo dancers that look like they're practicing for a primal scream contest. Military with enough fire power to blast the Western Hemisphere to rubble, but if brains were dynamite, they wouldn't have enough to blow their noses.But the best is the paranoid beach comber ex-scientist (who didn't age at all in 25 years). I love his "under the canoe" playhouse, where he stares wide-eyed at anything he sees, and whines incoherent gibberish hysterically.There really was a decent original idea for a story, but the director throws so much extra stuff at you, it's buried under a Caribbean Sea of dead-end sub plots and meaningless banter. The story suggests an evil secret involving the creature, but instead of exploring this, you'll just see pointless padding, like the romance with an island beauty liking the knucklehead kid. The two scientists rekindling their dead marriage serves no purpose either.I pity Craig T. Nelson, who took the thing seriously, and tried to make the most of his character. The director is to blame for the weak construction of the film which ends up being unintentionally funny. There are a few good moments involving the creature, but not enough. Most of the time you'll see the increasingly obvious red dye to simulate an attack, or the beast standing two feet away from a victim staring dumbly. Entertaining stuff, but as comedy, not horror.
    dbborroughs The source material of this TV movie is a novel called White Shark. It was a failure when published since the public thought it was about a great white shark, instead of what it was, namely a crazed tale about a Nazi experiment re-awakened. The novel's plot played like the movie Shock Waves, but gorier and loopier. It was a great read thanks to Peter Benchley's storytelling ability. It was nothing if not a wonderful guilty pleasure that would have made a great movie had they filmed it straight......The problem was the producers couldn't leave well enough alone and decided to take a grade Z plot line that worked because of the authors skill, and change it so that it was a grade Z plot line in the hands of a grade Z writer and director. The result is a laughably bad over long movie that has a laughable but cool monster and little else. This is a movie to get drunk and make fun of. Its a so good its great film, or would be except its way way too long.
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