Ghost Whisperer
Ghost Whisperer
TV-PG | 23 September 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
    filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Logan Dodd There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Christopher A. Rogers Mildly entertaining. It definitely did not need 5 seasons, two would have been plenty. Crying in a show works for dramatic purposes but when you do it all the time then when it's needed for emphasis it doesn't work. She cries on every episode... sometimes more than once. So in the situations like when her husband dies or her son goes missing those are supposed to be very dramatic points but we are so used to her tears that it left a little to be desired. And whining... that grates on my nerves like nails on a chalk board does to some people. She didn't whine a whole lot but when she did it was very annoying.Then there were a few inconsistencies (or things that lacked explanation) in the show. One of the biggest is the situation regarding her husband when he stole the other guy's body. Here you have a body that has taken on sufficient damage enough to kill the guy but yet another soul can just move into his body? Is it too damaged for the original soul to move back in? Why could Jim not move back into his original body, if that's the case? Then, since he was a thief, they still used his original face throughout the rest of the show to throw the fans off that that was not Jim's body even though EVERY SINGLE PERSON supposedly saw the other guy's face. How about keeping it real and using the other guy since it is his body that was stolen.And Melinda the hypocrite. She tells everyone that they must move on because it isn't right for them to stay... well, except when it comes to her own relationship. How about she tell people, "look, you gotta move on or seal some guy's dead body like my husband did." At least give them the option like she and Jim took. Overall, the show was not bad but it wasn't really good either. I would say if 5 is average then this show would get a 4 - 4.5 rating. I am impressed at how easily Hewitt can cry on the spot. That's hard to do. If they could have toned down her crying to maybe once or twice a season it would have bumped my rating of the show up probably a whole additional point. It's like as if I ended every sentence on this review with an exclamation point. After a while it would probably go unnoticed.
    kate41898 This show is very interesting. I fell deeply in love with all of the characters. I was satisfied with the show, until I realized I only had one season left until it was over. I was very angry when the show ended because it left me wondering too much about what would happen to Melinda and her family. I watched all five seasons from the beginning to end, and I believe that anyone with a heart will absolutely love and crave this show as I did. I wish I never finished it, to be perfectly honest because I can't find any other shows that truly compares to the unique qualities that I found in this show. Although, I was unsatisfied at the ending of the show, I think you will be very pleased with this very fascinating and heart warming show if you choose to find that the ending is, in my opinion unsatisfying.
    kerrie_brown I love the supernatural and love TV shows so when Ghost Whisperer was released it sounded perfect for me! From the first episode i knew i wouldn't be disappointed. Throughout the seasons i went through so many emotions - i cried, laughed and hid under a cover scared many times! Jennifer Love Hewitt is a very emotional person and in every scene whether its laughing with her husband or helping a ghost, you feel her in the story and she is so believable.The reason i give it 9/10 is because of the finale. I loved the story of the army of children in the hospital and loved that her son Aiden was talking to the 'shinies' and loved the conclusion of the story where the 'shinies' all came to help but after it finished, i felt unsatisfied. It didn't really finish with much of a bang or any conclusion of why Aiden had more powers than Melinda or could see more things than her. It just kinda finished! I have all of the seasons on DVD and will continue to watch them over and over again but i think i will continue to wonder why they finished the show like that. I do wish that the show would be on for at least another season, i think there is a lot more to tell in the story of Aiden. Anyways, i do love the show and would recommend highly.
    brokensilent I started watching this because despite a general dislike of Jennifer Love Hewitt, I'm a sucker for ghost stories. And at first, again despite Jennifer's character, that was fun enough. Most of the characters were likable. Then came the really fun part, they started removing the perks of watching the show. First, her best friend dies who provided such a light hearted much needed comedic relief. Then she was replaced with a character almost as annoying as Melinda Gordon (Jennifer). They brought in other likable characters to help lighten the mood but apparently there's only so much they can do with a show like this before they turn to a "jumping the shark" moment. Melinda's husband dies and refuses to move on, hops into another body, which starts the most boring lackluster attempt at reviving his soul's memories... well, let's just say there was a lot of eye rolling and yawning during Melinda's and Jim's scenes. The only reason I continue to watch what I have recorded is because I like the ghost stories and Jamie Kennedy. Oh, and I don't know what the obsession is with close ups of Jennifer tearing up but every single episode, we have to see her tearing up as she's moving someone on or having a Jim breakdown. Enough, we get it's sad and touching but it would be ever so much more if it weren't being choked down our throats by a mediocre actress. Gag. Anyways, if you can muscle your way past Jennifer's acting, the stories save for the Jim's death aspect have been pretty entertaining.