General Hospital
General Hospital
TV-14 | 01 April 1963 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
    Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
    iancindy14-872-104350 what the heck was GH thinking when they hired the new LULU I mean I have to mute the damn show every time she talks as well as that other actress Samantha younger sister, its bad acting please get rid of those terrible actors please I do not understand the 10 lines guidelines I am just trying top contact the people that hired these actresses I just so fed up with terrible acting of these two what is going on here lets vote to take these actresses off air please so here are my 10 lines here are my 10 this is weird that you must have 10 lines for commenting on a review of your opinion I do not understand fake horrible crazy acting please find new actresses your review is not yet ready for submission
    debbiemc01 i have been a viewer since 1963, watched in black and white, was 13, and still watching. i have seen them come and go on this show and it's still the best one on TV. it has had it's ups and downs and always manages to come out on top. remember Jesse? Audrey and he sister Lucille? that was back in the day! i do so miss the Luke and laura thing. Luke just isn't Luke without laura. Anthony Geary has only improved with age. Luke is all that and more. GH also has the best looking guys and the sexiest, is Jax gorgeous or what? Jason is sooooooooo smooth, and all that too. it will always be hard for the writers to top the original Luke and Laura storyline,it dosen't get any better then that, but they have kept me watching all these years. to every one that is associated with the show, keep up the good work
    pinkfeather04 I have been watching this show since 1996. I started watching it when Carly and sonny were just getting together. So thats who i fell in love with. To this day still love them. And for all of the people who think that they should take sonny of because he's just a gangster and a crook well there wrong. Sonny has brought a sexy danger to port Charles. he is the one man who you want to kiss and the man who you want to save you. The whole mobster thing is great. He loves his family and he would never hurt them. He does what he has to, to take care of them. To this day there is never a dull moment in Port Charles. I wish Sonny and Carly would get together again and that Jason and Elizabeth would get with each other.
    BuffSpike I don't watch soap opera shows any more because I just don't have the time to watch a show that you have to watch every day but when I did watch soap operas, I watched General Hospital which I started watching when I was in high school when a class mate told me about the show and got me interested. I started watching General Hospital sometime in the 1980's shortly after Luke and Laura got married and I watched it on and off again for several years and though I don't really watch it anymore I still keep up on what is going on by reading about it in the soap opera guide in the newspaper. The only other soap operas I also sometimes liked watching were, One Life To Live, All My Children, and Santa Barbara but I much preferred General Hospital and only watched those other soaps for a short while.