TV-14 | 03 January 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
    Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
    DonutLover It's improbable that a starring actress could not get speech therapy and learn how to say "district attorney" instead of districk attorney. This was like fingernails on a chalkboard to so many viewers, I'm sure it's why it was cancelled. Way to go, producers! It was kind of a fun show while it lasted and I had fun watching it with my daughter. Of course it was completely fake, no psychic in real life can see things like that. In fact, anyone who says they are psychic is lying because true intuits don't talk about it. And it ain't as jarring and obvious and glaring as portrayed in this show. Anyway, sorry she was never compelled to pronounce her boss' title right.
    markstylesnyc The actors are very well cast, and all excel in their roles.. The writing is quite intricate, there are subtle 'teasers' (they go by unnoticed at first, and later in the episode, you realize, 'wait' they hinted at this earlier'.. quite clever.. It has the perfect balance of supernatural (never overdone)..humor, drama, and sometimes a really touching subplot, about, family, relationships.. They give some ample time to the co-stars to shine in a scene or two. (although I would have loved to see the the younger girl, get more action.. She, her older sister, and the other supporting actors all shine at doing their part to make the show a really total great package.. Right from the beginning it's quite good.. Somewhere in the 2nd season, the whole project, (writing, development of characters, back ground history, start to come to the surface to give this series an even deeper depth, than you were aware of at first.. Love it..
    analial Dear Medium team. I love this series! I watched all the chapters and I started from the begging again two years latter. I'm writhing this review for two reasons, personal and professional. to encouraging you to continue with new episodes. Peeonal: I, myself are psychic, also a classical pianist and composer. My son was killed but because he past away in a very important family of the United States, they covered by saying that it was a suicide. If any of the producers or influential executives of this series can help me finding the real Alice Duboise, I will heavenly thank you. Professional, if you continue,I will suggest to please do this series with the same actors. Only one beautiful character is lay by a a terrible bad actress, the girl that plays the older daughter. After she was getting longer parts in it and the camera sits fro so long on her closeups, I fast forward to avoid her, but I loose interest in continue watching. I think you should continue with this amazing series and you can make the audience like it again if you send the oldest daughter far enough to just hear her voice or replace her with another actress. ILOVE THIS SERIES!! The main couple starring it are superb!!! Amazing actors and the story is extraordinary. THANK YOU
    Ro M I recently started to watch the series on Netflix. One of the first few episode the family is planning a 28 birthday party of Allison. A couple of episodes later they state that Ariel is 10. It seemed as I watch the show she met her husband while he was finishing up his degree (Masters?). In the flashback wedding episode, I could have sworn the Joes's mom said she said he was 28 but with the years married in the beginning of the show that would make Allison 18. Anyone else catch that?By the way, this has to be one of the most real t.v. relationships I have watched and I have been glued to the tube since a babe. I honestly believe in the marriage and love of the children. There is conflict even in a loving relationship. Last but not least, I am so happy Patricia A. told producers she would not lose weight because she was a mom of three. Thank you for leaving a normal looking woman on t.v