The Others
The Others
| 05 February 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    A_Different_Drummer Cast my vote with the other reviewers who felt that NBC cancelled this wonderful show simply because (remember the joke, "Why did the dog lick his privates?) THEY COULD. Well-written and well-acted supernatural shows are so rare, and, with the demise of traditional network TV, as we split the entertainment universe into 5000 channels, and as we segue to a parallel universe where a firm that used to compete with video stores by sending DVDs by USPS is now a major producer ... well they are just going to become rarer. Here is a tip for newbies, both viewers and armchair reviewers. Every good show has someone who acts as the "glue." You can even test yourself by watching (or re-watching) one of your faves and asking yourself who the glue is..? In this show Cobbs as Elmer Greentree was the glue, and no matter what was happening, or whom it was happening to, the viewer would look to Cobbs to see how to react. He was the moral centre and the action centre, and he was great, the writing was great, and the characters were fascinating. I had set my VCR on permanent timeslot record only to wake up one morning and find the show had disappeared. (Same story with American Gothic, also reviewed on IMDb by your humble scribe.) Great show!
    alumni72 I really enjoyed this program - I watched every episode. Until - what happened? Was the show SUPPOSED to end after less than a season? Did NBC force a show-ending episode where all the characters were killed off in outlandish ways? I would love to see this show come out on DVD - I would love even more if someone would bring it back and bypass that ridiculous 'final' episode. The episodes were well-written and the special effects were pretty good for a supposedly low-budget program. The characters were developed quite well - not quickly and superficially, but in a natural way that drew us along with the story line as it exposed each character's personality, past, talents, etc. - and there was a desire to learn more about the characters and their past, especially Elmer, the 'leader' of the group. But all that was sabotaged by who knows who? Was it the writers or the network who decided the show should end? And why do it in such a was that it could never be brought back? It seems vicious, as though maybe the network deliberately killed the show out of spite. For what, I don't know...but if anyone does know I'd love to hear about it.
    sacredrite Only the mildest of spoilers.This movie is perfect. Normally, if I'm watching a horror movie, I prefer a balls-to-the-walls frightfest like 'The Excorcist'. And I'm always disappointed by horror movies with no gore. But after watching 'The Others', I think it actually might be my favorite horror movie ever. The dark atmosphere is delicious, the plot is just excellent, and all the performances are top-notch - especially that of Nicole Kidman, who despite her character's numerous flaws, manages to make you like her and care what happens to her. The dialog written for her character is so authentic; it's so refreshing to finally see a film set in the past where the characters actually use the appropriate kind of language & tone. The language in this film made me feel like I've never seen a 'period piece' with authentic language.'Rosemary's Baby' is often mentioned as a prime example of a film that creates a great sense of tension without any killing or monsters or gore. But I'd have to say that 'The Others' far surpasses 'Rosemary's Baby' in it's bloodless delivery. You are not left with any disappointment at all. After 'Rosemary's Baby', I thought "Well done, but they should have at least shown the baby." But 'The Others' is absolutely perfect. There is nothing that they should have shown. There is nothing that could have made it any better. And how nice to finally have a great horror movie that is truly spooky that you can actually watch with your kids?
    A-Ron-2 I am not the biggest fan of TV shows (particularly "supernatural TV shows), but this one caught my eye last weekend and I thought I would give it a shot. I was not disappointed (nor was I overly impressed, but hey, it was the first episode). This seems like a potentially interesting show about psychics and the supernatural which could achieve some level of respectability if it does not allow itself to get too bogged down in stereotypes and cliches. I like the chick that plays the main character (I think she is cute, and I thought she was wonderful in The Love Letter), and I think that the rest of the cast has potential.I see that in traditional X-Files fashion they have already planted the seeds for at least one peripheral, continuing plot line (which should be able to hook people), and that they are not afraid to do some genuinely creepy things (the dead chick in the bathtub was pretty intense for TV). With any luck this show will overcome its lame beginnings (anyone remember the first season of STNG?) and perhaps produce a fine serial story line for Saturday night viewing. However, in all likelihood it will be cancelled immediately and no one will even notice.