Tru Calling
Tru Calling
| 30 October 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    OllieSuave-007 This is an exciting TV show from FOX that is about an university graduate Tru Davies, who works in the city morgue, witnesses pleas for help from the deceased and is subsequently able to repeat the same day over again to prevent deaths and disasters.Each episode has its own intriguing and unique flavor, not straying from the plot but also not dragging on to make the show dull. And, each episode gives its own taste of suspense and unpredictability, making you eager to find out the truth behind Tru's power and the purpose behind Tru's nemesis - main villain Jack Harper, whose purpose is to make sure things stay the way they are and the course-of-events are not altered by Tru.This show has some excellent acting and episodes are well written - they definitely grab your attention from start to finish with its good mixture of suspense and the unexplained. But, just when things get more exciting, the show was abruptly canceled after two seasons. It is too bad - this show had great potential and was what I think one of the better TV dramas of the 2000s.Grade A-
    SnoopyStyle Tru Davies (Eliza Dushku) is a medical grad student in Boston. She gets a new job at the morgue. Davis (Zach Galifianakis) is her eccentric co-worker. Harrison Davies (Shawn Reaves) is her younger gambling slacker brother. Meredith Davies (Jessica Collins) is her older drug addicted lawyer sister. She discovers that she has the power to redo the previous day. She uses her power to help the dead in the morgue and her family. Jason Priestley joins the show later as villain Jack Harper.The premise is interesting, but it never got compelling. The structure of the show is very repetitive. She runs the day. Then she gets called to repeat the day to help someone. She runs the day again. It's a groundhog day of doing the same story twice in each episode.
    gridoon2018 If you like a) time-traveling stories and/or b) murder mysteries, "Tru Calling" is right up your alley. This series is based on a "Groundhog Day"-ish premise that could potentially get repetitive (girl who works at the morgue hears dead people asking her to "save them"; her day rewinds and she has to figure out how/why they died and change the course of the day so that they will live), but it keeps finding new twists on the formula: multiple rewinds, no rewinds, multiple dead bodies, inevitable deaths that can only be delayed long enough for the victims to get some closure, deaths of people close to her, etc. Of course Tru also uses her abilities to fix little things that go wrong during the course of the day, and the show's attention to detail makes all 42 minutes of an episode interesting to watch as you're looking for the big or small or no changes in the "second" (for everyone else but Tru, first) day. The time-traveling aspect is well-handled, and the mysteries are unpredictable. The pace is fast and the visual style is snappy. The characters are engaging and attractive (though the writers did drop the ball with Tru's older sister, who is written out after a point and never even mentioned again!). Eliza Dushku is amazingly beautiful, and puts across Tru's compassion and determination - although this "calling" is a terrible burden on her personal life, she will always jump on the opportunity to save another human life. Her chemistry with Shawn Reaves, who plays her good-hearted slacker brother, is likable and natural. Zach Galifianakis is perfect as Tru's nerdy but helpful boss (after a few episodes, both of these guys learn Tru's secret and help her along in her missions). Jason Priestley, who arrives on episode 14, is brilliant as the mysterious, manipulative Jack Harper - his part pushes the series in a more philosophical territory. The rest of the cast, from the supporting players of both seasons to the guest stars, is well-chosen. Unfortunately, the show was cancelled halfway through Season 2, and so several plot threads (one of them being Tru's father's guilty past and present) were left unresolved. Despite this handicap, "Tru Calling" is worth getting into - even the weaker episodes (like "Reunion" or "Drop Dead Gorgeous") are fun to watch, and the strongest episodes (like "Star Crossed", "The Longest Day" or "Two Pair") are terrific entertainment.
    duna200 Or anyone else have noticed the fact that first bunch of episodes are inspired too much by 90's flicks?I mean seriously wife who is trying get someone else to murder his rich husband so she can claim his assets. Med students who are temporarily stopping their hearts to reach memories that are lost; Flatliners. Bunch of college bodies getting together again to reminisce on the old days but are not fully comfortable because they did something in the past, Very Bad Things? Groundhog day is one of my all time favorite movies. Sadly enough the writing staff behind his turd is bunch of lazy bastards who can not come up with their original scripts.Noble idea totally fubarred in it's execution.