TV-PG | 22 September 2014 (USA)

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    GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    mhadameh This show was and still is amazing! Very original and great acting! Idk why it got canceled...
    Melissa Mendelson Dear Henry, I know it's a long story, but your story is filled with heart and soul, humanity and darkness, love and loss. How can we live forever, only to see those we hold so dear fade and fall from our grasp? How do we go on, living a million lives, memories filled with history, history lost as this world moves on? And you're doomed to play it again and again, around and around with death denying you one simple wish, so you chase it, begging for the answer. But the answer's been there all along, and she's been waiting patiently. All you had to do was let go of the past and embrace the now. Forget the future, the worry of time, and forget the scars over your heart. If you live a sheltered life, then you don't live at all, and love will be the ghost to haunt you. And maybe, she should have seen the truth, but at least in the end, you opened the door. And it might be a long story, but it's one that will follow us forever. We will never forget a character such as you, dear Henry.
    renzelito At first I thought I wouldn't like this kind of series because it's going to be this boring detective/doctor-autopsy monotonous series but man, this masterpiece PROVED me wrong!The idea of an immortal man living his 2nd century of a lifetime actually intrigued me and urged me to have a peek on this show and I was totally not disappointed AT ALL. There is this undeniable mystery and thrill in each episode that makes you entirely craving for bits and pieces of the characters, their secrets, their agendas, their purpose, etc. The protagonist, Henry, combines such wit, wisdom, humor, psyche, charm, discreteness, vanity and authority in the most pleasant way an actor could really execute. His love with his foster father (Abe) and his lover (Abigail) is the most heart-warming of all and it was flawlessly portrayed as the season unveils. His current relationship with Jo as his partner also starts to grow on you. Though their relationship somewhat had a messy start, it was ultimately realized how Jo really feels towards Henry. What I really like about this series is that it is jam-packed with ideas and knowledge related to history, wars, science, medicine, forensics, and modern-world society. The linkage between the past and the present was unimaginably wonderful. Those facts/ideas were properly constructed that they form into an unexpected yet inviting puzzle. The narration, music, art and cinematography, writing and plot twists are so damn remarkable I cannot put them into perfect words. I had been in total awe as I witness the kind of fulfillment this show emanates to its audience. The depth of impact it delivers in each episode kind of explodes within you that it shatters the entirety of your invulnerability. I am quite honored to have watched this apparently underrated series of all time. It is really disappointing that shows like this didn't make it to the "mainstream" world. I guess it's never too late to go watch this, right? Give us the season 2 soon, please!
    Aqab Malik This is not going to be a long review. I thoroughly enjoyed every episode of this show. The character really got to me. Maybe it's because my transhumanist philosophical orientation has an impact on that. That is, the possibility of indefinite life extension. But that's through exponential scientific advancement, and not hoccus poccus metaphysical notions of life. Nevertheless, the character brought out many significant dilemmas that may be faced by extended life, and virtual immortality. I guess, most people with a view to immortality after death wouldn't want to dream of life forever in the physical world and all the limitations it has. However, may be that's why the US population couldn't handle the prospects of physical immortality because it negates their metaphysical fantasies of immortality after they are dead.. thus, the lack of ratings. Then again, there's nothing to stop another channel from bringing the show back.