The Chronicle
The Chronicle
| 14 July 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    jeeves-1 I was disturbed greatly when I realized (I had no idea the show was canceled until I watched the final episode) and later learned for a fact that Sci-Fi Channel was canceling this show. I found this show to be well thought out, light-hearted, and just a plain good show - the cheese to cool ratio was in perfect balance. I really wish that this was a show I could still be watching. A great show cut down before its time, indeed. I think that the execs at SciFi need to take a good look at their decision making process and see how it is that they went so wrong.
    fmdsxf1984 I began watching "The Chronicle" during the middle of its first season (I was looking for a prospective replacement for "The X-Files"). At first, I found it an odd-blend of sci-fi/mystery/comedy, and in many ways, seemed to be a simple parody of "The X-Files." But I got hooked, and with each new episode, it got better and better.By the start of its second season, "The Chronicle" finally came into its own! It's storylines were becoming more original and far-out, proving that the writers finally realized that there were no limits to what they could do, and whatever their imaginations could come up with would work (although, some better than others). It even began to develop its own "X-Files"-like mythology that only really picked up halfway through the second season. And then it was canceled.It's a shame that "The Chronicle" was on for such a short period. Sci-Fi Channel really underestimated the show's ability to entertain. Along with the stories, the cast was excellent (especially Rena Sofer) and they all seemed to have fun making this show.If you ever get a chance to see the reruns, I'm sure you will love this beautiful, gem of a show. Especially if you're lucky enough to see the episodes "The King is (Un)Dead" (about the vampire-Elvis impersonators) or "A Snitch in Time" (the series-finale).***1/2 out of ****
    iamabravesfan The Chronicle is one of the best science fiction shows ever created. It has wonderful acting from Rena Sofer (The Stepsister, General Hospital, Melrose Place) and the others actors. I give The Chronicle a perfect 10. Let's just hope it lasts long enough for syndication.
    Mahaloth ...they can keep the writing fresh. I was a bit worried when this show first was announced because it sounded pretty much like it was just going to be a funny version of X-file or First Wave. Sure, that might be cool once or twice, but I thought it wouldn't last too long.Fortunately, The Chronicle has proven to be freshly written, with some good plots to go along with the humorous writing. I love all the characters, especially Wes(played by Reno Wilson). Overall, the show is very well cast and everyone seems to be aware of what their characters are supposed to be like.My only concern is that this show may not prove to remain strong for more than two seasons or so. It's written by Sylvio Horta, who is mostly known for his "Urban Legend" movies. Both those films were interesting at first, but withered into mundane garbage. I hope this show doesn't do the same. I have heard that the cast has really bonded and would hate to see them fall prey to writers whose abilities get exhausted.I give this show *** out of **** stars. Worth a watch if you like Sci-Fi. Probably won't pull you in if you aren't particularly in to the genre.