Ghost Hunters
Ghost Hunters
TV-14 | 06 October 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Diagonaldi Very well executed
    Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
    BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Sergio Scout All these paranormal show I take with a grain of salt.. OK a lot of salt! I never exclude the possibility of something "paranormal" directly out of hand but if activity is so high that you can make over 12 seasons worth of "investigations" something is fishy. There seems to be more "paranormal activity" in the US than in places like EU, Asia or Africa combined.I have watched a lot of these shows and i very much liked the first four seasons. Those seasons i would rate around 7 ish. OK maybe add season five for good measure. there were some things that i didn't like (Jason Hawes acting like a world class jerk to people who actually volunteer and are "friends" with him that are on the show like Brian, Andy and others.. if i did this in real life, jeez i wouldn't have any friends at all.. work on that attitude dude). Here are some things i really liked: Looking for explanations that are not paranormal ( pipes banging, clogged WC or just some worn out tabs). Some people that move from city to countryside hear things that can be easily explained and should be ruled out first.However it became clear that there was a lot of faking going on and that it was strong with this series in particular.Especially when their "live actions investigations" were a total bust and you could see the twine hanging. Not saying it is Jason or anyone of his team, who are generally OK people, but still it does make your show a bit of a joke. Why? Because people will dismiss everything out of hand labeling it as "fake" from the get-go.After a couple seasons of this fake stuff, along with some people i really didn't like like Steve, Dave is cool though, the drama and mudslinging towards other paranormal shows began. Some were even more entertaining than the Ghost hunters show themselves. They instigated it by having a potshot at the guys at Ghost Adventures. rule nr. one never come between fans and their favorite shows if you want to live.This drama enfolded a bit, probably because the ratings were dropping ( nice tactic guys (sarcastically) )Conclusion: best seasons are the first five, the rest is going downhill fast where some should be rated as low as a one. Suggestion: maybe entertaining if it is the holidays and there is nothing else on the TV.PS i have watched every single paranormal show ever made so i know what i am talking about :)
    georgiamoxie I enjoyed Ghost Hunters from the beginning because they don't create ghostly activity just to make a good show. If they saw nothing they say a location isn't haunted and they move on. By doing so I'm able to accept it when they do say a location is haunted.I can't tolerate shows that drag in a ton of reenactment with staged actors, psychic mediums, and filler in order to keep the viewer entertained. I roll my eyes and change the channel. If you're the type who wants to watch a Ghost Hunter show because you're skeptical if it's real, this is a good show. If you don't care and just want to see some maybe real life haunted footage then this isn't the show for you because you won't see it in every episode.
    Illinoisguy1 I mean come on, the show is fake and their so called evidence would prove nothing in court, The only thing this show is good for is a few laughs as you see their reactions of supposed ghosts. And the other thing it's good for is seeing locations that you likely never would visit. The only reason to film at night and have all the lights off is to make it more spooky. Plus the add some spooky music to make it seem more exciting than it really is. Most of the show is just them walking around in the dark filming with night vision cameras looking for some paranormal activity. And most of this evidence is composed of some easily faked audio evidence. Most of this audio is just static but they say they hear voices. The video evidence is also nothing spectacular. Again easily faked or subjective.But if you're looking for anything serious or profound regarding paranormal then I would look elsewhere.
    thetallbeverage This show is simply offensive to any and all paranormal investigation agencies out there. I, myself being a paranormal investigator think that shows like this toy with the average viewer with obvious camera tricks and just rude investigations. Not to mention that the agency for whom they choose to follow are some of the most unprofessional acting people I've had to see investigate. I've met some pretty amazing agencies with upwards of 50 members, all professional and actually courageous people who know the difference between a paranormal abnormality, and just someone who's filming accidentally hitting something. Sometimes they DO get some decent footage, but hey, with this sort of thing its a needle in a haystack.