Haunting: Australia
Haunting: Australia
TV-14 | 03 February 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    lptboyer I am a die hard Ghost Hunters fan, and then also became just as hooked on GHI. I was upset when Rob Demarest left that show. He was always very credible and level headed. So upon seeing this new show that he is in, I was so excited. But I am so disappointed in Rob for even appearing on this show. His "hand-picked" investigators are all wimps! I can not believe how many times they back out of a room because they have a "feeling". That is when you go IN! It is just a very hokey show compared to the Ghost Hunters and GHI shows. I also hate the way that it is filmed, I really don't want to look up anyone's nose "Blair Witch" style. I wish they would bring GHI back, but if not, then at least get Rob off of this show so he can do a show where everyone isn't backing out of rooms constantly and he can do what he does best, go IN and investigate!
    Isabelle Pelletier i've never seen something so ridiculous that it was so funny. most comedy movies and shows have to work hard to create this kind of thing. at one point, this guy who was supposed to be a bare-fisted boxer with 27 out of 28 wins (uh-huh), he was so scared that he almost threw-up on the camera he was wearing around his torso, then at one point, he got spooked by something we could neither hear nor see, he starts running like a little kid, but with the camera angle we have (below his chest aimed at his face), all we can see is his arms going on screen and off screen in a strange alien motion of forth and back rather than back and forth... it's just a weird show... the "medium" woman is scared of anything that goes 'tick' or 'boo' in the night... i'm sure whoever thought of this show was up one night watching "ghost adventures" while high as a kite on weed or some other "whoa dude" kind of drug and thought, 'hey, i can make a show like that' but forgot to get people who actually know what they're doing... i'm not saying that the places visited on this show aren't haunted, but there's no way that the group of people on haunting: Australia could find a single spirit, EVP, orb or shadow person...
    Jen Lang Low production value & terrible casting. It's difficult to believe that these are *highly experienced investigators* when they cry ghost & run at the drop of a hat. I would say that they are a handful of idiots who were willing to do anything to get their faces on television. They used very cheap grainy camera equipment & were obviously grasping at straws when it came to any kind of evidence - More than once, it was obvious that they were staging photos for the sake of needing something to show for their efforts at the end of the episode. The first time, they had the grainy silhouette of the tattooed skinny psychic in a ghost photo. Then the next episode they had the silhouette of the ugly fat bloke, which was given as *evidence* of an apparition manifesting for a photo. Who enjoys this nonsense? Unbelievable.
    ebbz66 i was very excited to finally see a paranormal show on my TV that was done in Australia! I missed the first episode unfortunately, so started with Geelong jail episode. I'm very excited to see Ian back on my TV screen after seeing him on most haunted for so long it's great having him back. i'm really impressed by the evidence that the team got, especially the photograph and the video, that was amazing! its also great to see that there are Aussie's on the the team and not just internationally recognisable people. I Can't wait to see the rest of the series. I hope that they dull down the background music and noises and it interferes a bit with the viewing as sometimes I wasn't sure if that was the real noise or just sound effects and music added later. The format resembles most haunted (an English show, but that's cool. A great start.
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