The Lowe Files
The Lowe Files
TV-PG | 02 August 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    goodlilkitty I wasn't sure what to expect the first time I turned into The Lowe Files. I would not say I'm a big Rob Lowe fan and the idea of a reality show focused on him was not really a big draw. I'm also not a huge paranormal show fan. Ghosthunters and all that... big ole meh from me. Still, I tuned in and I'm so glad I did. The true joy of the show is watching Rob and his family. I don't like reality shows. I really don't but I would, without question, watch a reality show centering on this family just doing normal family things although the scary stuff is a fun addition. I'm truly hoping for another season. An unexpected, addictive delight.
    dad_karate So Rob Lowe and his kids take on the paranormal , bizarre and cryptids. They are approaching it in a fun manner and clearly given the nature of how they are handling it, everything they do is sincere. I can't speak for the guest "experts", but Rob is trying to keep it as real as possible. The only weakness I see is they use the one day approach, which gives you the odds of being bit by a shark in your swimming pool of finding something that is so elusive it's questionably real at all.
    absintheaffliction My wife and I are both Rob Lowe fans, and she a paranormal TV fan in general. We both find this to be a cut above the older shows for the most part. The family dynamic is great. The humor is an aspect sadly missing from most other shows that really makes this one something else. They genuinely look to be having fun out there, and maybe its just because he's been an actor for so long, but it doesn't seem as though there's the scripted points to plow through like a lot of shows. They seem like they're mostly just filming the events as they go. The varied subject matter should keep the show fresh for a little bit as well. On the other shows, there's only so many times you can say that a stone is too square for a human to have cut it or listened to a crackle on a voice recorder or seen the glow of eyes in the forest before it gets stale and all seems to blend together.The only downside is that at a half hour, they can barely begin to scratch the surface of whatever subject they're looking at. Episode 1 at an hour runtime was fantastic, allowing them to really explore and shine, but the next two, while still good, just didn't make for more than a tentative glimpse at the subjects. Would easily be a 9+ with a longer runtime.With luck, popularity might allow them to expand to full hour long shows in the future, as long as the short current shows don't dampen enthusiasm too much.
    marciaoh This series is surprisingly easy to watch with Rob Lowe as the likable dad traipsing around California tracking ghosts and paranormal activities with his two skeptical, college age sons. I usually avoid programs purporting to uncover the spirits of dead people using strange and often ridiculous gadgets, flashing lights and squeaky noises. But, this show offers a tongue-in-cheek look at the supernatural with a bonus opportunity for viewers to see historical sites throughout the state. Watching Rob Lowe interact with his sons reveals a happy family enjoying time spent together offering a unique opportunity for viewers to see seemingly well-adjusted Hollywood kids, normal and healthy.
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