Paranormal State
Paranormal State
| 10 December 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    endless_illusion I've been reading the reviews, and as a paranormal buff I don't get why people are fussing over the entertainment quality to the show? This show was stated as a DOCUMENTARY. They are ..keyword..documenting the information they find. Unfortunately this show is not to gives people chills and thrills. Ghosts do not provide special affects like Hollywood portrays. From what I understand this group is fairly serious of what they do. It is a job, and they aren't going to play around.If you are interested on the reality of what paranormal activity really is and interested in different point of views from different religious groups.. this is probably THE only show with all that. This program is very much educational, if you believe in something outside your tiny little bubble.
    acaciajules This show, Paranormal State, has an almost "Blairwitch Project" feel to it. As in, you're watching a 'documentary' that's actually just a scripted movie, made to look and feel like a documentary.My biggest problem with the show, is their 'go to' outside advisers of the Warren's, who were made famous for their 'investigations' of the Amityville murders, which were shown to be completely fraudulent, just based upon the police reports of the family's deaths! (such as the eldest daughter actually having been involved in the entire thing, to the point of possibly even helping with some of the deaths!) Then there's the way they constantly jump to blaming demons for everything. Not to mention how haughty the group is about what cases they take. They don't want to help those who need it most, they just want the weirdest cases, that will get them the most press and attention.They're complete frauds, plain and simple.
    gothgirl1778 Paranormal State is a wonderful show featuring what we call "paranormal" from ghosts to spirits and UFOs. The Paranormal Research Team didn't sign to make the show to scare the wits off people. They made the show to help those who are haunted realize there are other people out there who know what they're going through. The PRA Team help families get closure in their lives. Lorraine Warren told me this, and she's completely right. The closure that they give to families, plus the overall help with keeping the family together is amazing. If you want to be a little frightened, amazed, intrigued and satisfied, I highly recommend this team of paranormal investigators who know the best ways to help those who are haunted.
    apachi-2005 I have seen bad investigating done, so what makes this any different? I belong to the forum, and from what I've experienced, it helps to help them from what I've learned, to pass this on to them.Nobody is perfect when it comes to investigating, its people like us to help each other.I have a friend who is a medium, with her gift, my gift and 3 other people who work their butts off and don't get paid for it. Can you tell me that our investigations are moot?Hey if you can do any better than they can, then let's see you get the ball rolling.