Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal
Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal
| 28 September 1996 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    Grzegorz Jankowski I would wait for this to come up on Polish TV as a kid. I don't believe all of the seasons aired over here but boy was this my first sci-fi/horror themed show. I fell in love with the genre because of this. There is one episode that was so upsetting I ran to my mom to tell her how afraid I was to die at some point in my life. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time and still remember that feeling of anxiety. I'm 24 now and will rewatch the whole series again, I hope I will still like it as I did back then. Highly recommended!
    Samantha Alexander This used to be one of my favorite TV shows when I was a kid so recently I decided to re-watch it. It was a huge surprise that there was actually a fourth season which they never aired on Bulgarian TV. Keep in mind that I'm not very critical when it comes to movies and television - I mostly look at the story and character development and not so much the actual acting. I do think though that the real power of PSI Factor was the 1st season and probably most of 2nd and 3rd, though the end of 3rd was a little sloppy. Since enough people already summarized what happens in each season I'll talk mostly about what really disappointed me in the 4th season. Maybe the original '2 stories per episode' format was a little monotonous but that's exactly what caught my eye back in the days - the scientific approach toward the paranormal events and the idea that there's probably a grain of truth somewhere in the scripted drama. As the show moved on it lost a lot of its spirit and there were too many episodes that made me wonder what the hell happened. Half of season 4 felt like a badly written and played comedy although there were few good episodes. But they never showed what happened with Frank Elsinger or Lindsay' boyfriend, Mark which was a big flaw. By the end it's almost only Lindsay and Peter investigating the cases, with Mia joining every now and then. I liked Mia but I have to agree with other people that her character wasn't developed almost at all. Also, I think they made a mistake by removing Connor Doyle at the end of season 1. Although Matt Frewer brought something fresh and new to the series, especially compared to Paul Miller's serious and somewhat straightforward character, I still liked Doyle a lot more. Praeger annoyed the hell out of me most of the time by almost becoming a protagonist and the way he left the show was real lame. Long story short - I enjoyed the personal stories and the conspiracies that came up but they overdid it at times. Still, I think PSI Factor was very good and enjoyable show with nice creepy tones. And to the person who wrote the user review entitled "P.S.I Factor in Iran" - thanks for spoiling me in one sentence everything about Connor Doyle's appearance in season 4. *grumpy face* I enjoyed the episode despite that but still, your little spoiler killed half the pleasure. Think about it when you write your next review.
    MichaelM24 I was really amazed at how long this show lasted. Sure, it was only four seasons, but as a show that was constantly (unfairly) dismissed as a lame X-FILES wannabe, the fact it lasted as long as it did is pretty surprising. The first season remains my favorite, with the show's original pseudo-documentary approach to stories inspired by real-life cases investigated by the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research. With it's blue-tinted witness interview footage, documentary-like feel, and two story-per-episode structure, PSI FACTOR offered up some intriguing stories for those interested in the world of the paranormal and supernatural. Paul Miller and Maurice Dean Wint alternated as lead investigators Professors Connor Doyle and Curtis Rollins, respectively, though Doyle proved to be the most popular character of the show, despite his forced departure at the end of the first season. Rollins took a leave of absence midway through the season, but would return for the forth (and final) season. The lovely Nancy Anne Sakovich, Colin Fox, and Barclay Hope rounded out the team of investigators as specialists in a specific field.The second season saw the inclusion of genre veteran Matt Frewer as Matt Praeger, a more skeptical character who was brought in by the O.S.I.R. as Doyle's replacement, and though he was okay, he still couldn't fully replace Doyle. His character's skepticism brought a feeling of "here we go again" to the show, having to sit through yet another character who doesn't believe in much. That was what was so refreshing about Doyle; he always had an open mind about things and believed in anything until the evidence (if there was any) proved otherwise. Despite the lacking of some elements Frewer's Praeger had in comparison to Doyle, the second season still came out pretty good, with many standout episodes, though the show lost the documentary feel many fans loved from the first season and took on a more straight forward storytelling approach, as fell as focusing the entire hour on one story.With the third season, the show took a turn for the worst as it made the same mistake X-FILES made: things began to focus more and more on internal conflicts within the O.S.I.R., headed up by Nigel Bennet as Elsigner. It was a shame to see the show make such a change when it had been doing just fine telling entertaining stories about paranormal/supernatural investigation. Instead, characters began having hidden agendas and there was internal conspiracies among the O.S.I.R. high-ranking officials. Following Frewer's (rather interesting) departure, the forth season attempted a return to the feeling of the first two years. Even the blue-tinted interview segments return for one episode, and an attempt to wrap up the mystery surrounding Connor Doyle's departure was featured in one of the season's few best episodes. But by the time the forth season was over, the show was gone, and it was such a shame, because it started out great and ended as a hollow shell of its former self. Much like how it appears X-FILES will end.
    moiraine2002 i enjoy this show and if it is on i will watch it, but sometimes i wonder if this stuff really happens. maybe I'm prejudiced by the x-files, but sometimes i find this show incredibly corny. most of the episodes are intelligent and well put together, but sometimes i find myself wondering what the heck is going on! usually though, it is very good and i would recommend it to anyone who loves the paranormal.
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