| 22 September 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Steineded How sad is this?
    rastogidipali II dont think this really classifies as a "crime thriller". There's too much romance, too much of relationship-build-up. The actual investigations are just touched upon. And the British police come across as a bunch of buffoons. All the time the head (I forget his name) is saying "we've got to find them" and the three just take off. And who actually finds "them" one doesnt know! Bobby is moping all the time, Nina does nothing, the third chap is useless too. WHAT exactly is the police doing? I mean, they don't even keep guns? Each time they come across a criminal, he escapes! This is really hilarious. I watched all the episodes in 2 binges but had to forward some of the mushy stuff. Not good.
    a-evans-612-286687 I watched the whole series back to back and it filled an otherwise dull day, however whoever cast the main female character really needs to look at themselves - very poor.
    fionabourke I thought this looked promising with a strong cast, and from the outset it had the look of a classy production. The problem? The dialogue! For a start there was too much of it. Too much cheesy, too much stating the obvious, too much stilted...ever heard of inference or the intelligence of the audience? Some of the dialogue just bordered on the bizarre. At times I thought the acting (even of those I know to be good from other series) was appalling, but it is amazing how very poor dialogue makes the performance seem poor. I love British crime dramas. You do it very well. This one is just a sad offering in comparison to what you have given us before. Find a new writer!
    Ion Paturca Spare your time, don't watch such a crap. I think the one who wrote the script (let's not talk the creator of the show) paid to NETFLIX a lot of money to make a film like that. The way the actors act it's beyond any imagination. The "detective" Bobby Day is a parody and it is so bad played you want just to kill yourself. In my actual and next life I never saw such a crap. I am sorry that you can't negative vote this stupidity. All the actors (ALL) are out of line... A detective from Germany is saying how good the cookies are instead of do her job: investigate. All the movie you are just curios to see what it is the end. After 30 minutes you know what it is about in the whole series.