The Closer
The Closer
TV-MA | 13 June 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    gbrezina2015 One of the best tv shows ever. Just wonderfully done; music, acting, stories, everything. Kyra Sedgwick is brilliant and seeing her in anything else shows you how she truly became this character for the show. It never gets old, and never leaves you disappointed.
    A_Different_Drummer Yes, I know, we have all heard the stories about how this show made a star of Kyra Sedgwick "late in her career," and we tend to remember the series mainly for that reason. Wrong. This show is one of a very small number of TV series that completely nails the "Holy Grail" of television which is, the secret of doing a weekly series week to week. to be at the same new and interesting yet paradoxically familiar and comfortable. (Another show that nails the formula is the original CSI, not the bastardizations that followed with cast changes). Another way to explain this would be to riff on the old notion of "if you were to be stranded on a dessert island, and could only bring 10 books/videos, which would you bring?" Given that you would be watching the same material over and over (and over) you would want to think very carefully. This show, pitch-perfect in every detail, is surely a candidate. Kyra Sedgwick is brilliant, but so is the whole cast. I especially enjoyed watching Mary McDonnell, whose big break was DANCING WITH WOLVES, playing mental chess with Sedgwick as an occasional character. If there is a HALL OF FAME for this kind of show, I nominate it. Funniest line was in an episode that opened with a casket falling down a flight of stairs and popping open. Under the deceased (older male) is another body (younger female and barely dressed). Says one of the detectives, just before the opening credits, "I guess you CAN take it with you." The last episode of series was wonderfully understated -- all the tiny plot threads from earlier episodes nicely resolved, Sedgwick solves one last murder. And that's how we will remember the character. A closer.
    gboyer-425-597361 i'm not proud to admit that, until 7/16/12, i was a"closer junkie." everything about the show appealed to me: the acting, writing, plot-twists and subtle humor had me looking forward to these final 6 episodes but sorry that this excellent show was leaving the air. after this past Monday night...good riddance. this last episode was poorly written, sophomoric, and an insult to the (previous to this) fine cast. typically, Monday night was the only night i watched a show, read for a bit, then watched it again. Monday's episode was so bad, i turned it off half-way through. i won't be returning to watch the last 4 ...would rather remember it as it was.
    krs10432 I would love to say that there is a redeeming quality to the actors in this show but too bad we are forced to watch Sedgwick speak in an accent that even Kevin Costner would laugh out loud at. Plus it's hard to like a character that has a lot of lines and leads the cast but sticks her lips out so far that the dry mouth smacking sound is the most repulsive distraction ever by a television actor. The rest of the cast however does a rather decent job and the stories are somewhat original but lets face it. It's all just Law and Order rebuffs. The biggest problem with these shows is that they are slightly formulaic and are getting more and more tiresome as the years go on. It all ends up like a lot of cops running in circles accusing everyone under the sun in an attempt to make the audience feel like they may be barking up the right tree and that the resolution is oh soooo close however it always comes to a shocking conclusion in the end and the cops always go "well doesn't really matter how we got there just as long as we got there." These police must have zero friends outside to the department. All in all, Go away Kyra and just let Kevin be the bread winner in the family.