| 12 February 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    rsapygmies For a British show I was very much disappointed. Most Brits show much regard for superiors and co-workers and the criminals. This one seemed to rely on trying to swear at each other and everyone around more than the next actor. There may be a very good story here if you can get past all the profanity. The story line gets lost in the sheer amount of vulgarity. I tried watching but simply got turned off by it. I wouldn't work with or for someone who talked to me in this manner. Call me a prude if you must but I expected more from a British show.
    John Brown I've watched various episodes of this crime drama series and have rather mixed feelings. The obvious attempt to make it seem realistic works, dodgy camera angles and sometimes rather fuzzy views are just as might happen in the real world, as opposed to the bright, clean world of normal TV drama. Also on the 'plus' side are the story lines which actually work very well.However, the acting seems a bit wooden at times. To me, Fay Ripley is horribly miscast as the lead officer, DI Martha Bellamy. Although I've liked her in other appearances, I really think that her acting ability is very limited and I could never see her as a DI or as the leader of a major police investigation; the support roles are OK, but no one stands out or is particularly appealing. I start asking myself why I should watch this.This is clearly a series designed to try to imitate 'real life' more than many other police dramas manage, and it works on this level. The stories and their development are good; sadly, I don't feel that the cast are really strong enough to carry off the idea.How do I score that ? 8 for the ideas and stories, probably 4 for casting and acting; maybe 6 overall.
    RobertJScott Suspects is a different interpretation of a police drama where it is all improvisation and no defined script. Well acted by all the cast with excellent cinematography.Fay Ripley is excellent as DI Bellamy as is Damien Malony as DS Weston and Clare-Hope Ashitey as DC Steele. All the filming is done on location in London. Although some of the stories are similar such as paedophilia gang stories but they are all well acted and no two scenes in similar episodes the same and none of the dialogue is similar.Even though some of the stories are similar I highly recommend watching this series.
    Tattytails The show is a British drama about some local detectives solving various crimes, 1 crime per episode. The focus of the show is on interviewing suspects and solving the crime. It has been portrayed in a documentary style type drama. The first episode was disappointing. The camera was shaky and suspect interviews at the police station was difficult to see due to strong reflective lighting. The plot is predictable and it lacks suspense. All this with substandard acting and story line, let the show down. The second episode was no improvement on the first, same poor lighting and loaded up with profanity as the story line progressed. This is not a show I can foresee being around long in it's current state.