The Fades
The Fades
TV-14 | 21 September 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    markkbranson "The Fades" is a BBC production that is unbelievable in its effects, cinematography, and acting. Regrettably, I have only found seven episodes (on Amazon Prime) and I am heartbroken I can't find any more. Because of this open-ended nature, I titled this piece so you will know that if you can live with absence of closure, then this series is a must see.The plot is a mixture of teen angst and upgraded TV horror (think of "American Horror Story" but a little more bloody since it is designed for British audiences). Some have likened this series to "Buffy," but the acting, the effects, and the overall story line is far superior to "Buffy" (at least from my viewing of both).Admittedly, there are types (since this is TV drama): close male friend, obnoxious twin sister, and typical high school drama. However intertwined is horror and real emotions (see Paul's relationship) that this series employees that recommends this series.Keep in mind there are only seven episodes that I have found, so if you can live with that sort of ambiguity, engage in a binge weekend and watch these episodes. It is well worth your time!
    SnoopyStyle Paul (Iain De Caestecker) sees dead people. He's a normal teen who has frightful visions. Rarely does a new concept about the undead get introduced nowadays. It's a well traveled road, but this one made some new tracks.The dead are called the Fades. Some go up, but some stay. They glow in their chest as they search for ascension points. The glow could shine bright and they rise. Or else their light goes out. Those that lose their light stays. Now something terribly wrong is coming.The ideas brought forth by this is fascinatingly new. Iain De Caestecker is a good outsider teen. Sophie Wu has an alluring look. Lily Loveless gives a brash performance. It is a real disappointment that it only had 6 episodes. Maybe they can remake this.
    Taylor2813 All the problems with this show pretty much stem from the rushed ending. Through episode 4 everything was entertaining enough; probably an 8.3 or so but then the booster rockets ignited and a lot of weight (i.e. subplots and believability) were jettisoned in order to fit what probably was intended to be another seasons worth of plot into 2 episodes. So, most of the side characters became plot devices instead of people and what could have been somewhat believable developments, given enough time, became lobotomizingly absurd. It is a shame too because I think the writers had a lot more story to tell and they could write some believable and interesting characters. I think they knew they were going to be canceled though and decided to give some kind of ending even though it basically ruined it for me.I can't recommend this show but there were some performances that I think are worth mentioning. Mac steels the show for me as his character is very well performed, mostly well written, and given some evocative scenes that left quite an impression. Neil, is another mostly well written character, well performed and is my favorite anti-hero of the show. Also, Anna and Paul need to be mentioned for similar reasons.
    Matthew Lewis Surreal (yet almost believable) - get the kids off to bed because they'll be freaked in no uncertain measure! Your six year old will be certain there's a monster in the dark places. I'm not the kind for listing actors names or plot synopsis - my reviews are just an emotional impression based on whether I'm hooked or not (which makes the 'ten line mandatory rule'of IMDb a bit frustrating at times)- I'll leave the name dropping to the geeks that love that kind of thing. What I can say is the story is absorbing, cashing in on the apocalyptic view of the world that we all seem to have at the moment, yet not cashing in as it's intelligent, witty and philosophical in its approach; (morons won't get the 'message's', but will enjoy the action, freak factor and the odd naked teenager.....well almost naked). There isn't one dud or wooden performance in here, a solid script backed up by solid acting that makes you beg for more of the story; a real 'I can't wait!' kind of effect (on me anyway), clever underplayed directing (the best kind in my view as it's more 'real', yet it's not Dogme). Do I have my mandatory ten lines yet, let's see? YUP