Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Atlantis
TV-PG | 15 July 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    nate-car I was slow to get into the 1st Stargate, although I loved the concept of the original movie (binge watching it on DVD years after syndication), but it's such a expansive universe created in the 10 seasons of the original show, that it gave this show the richest history, worlds and characters to use and reference, very much like each 'Star Trek' series benefited from following the preceding series' before them. This spin-off just picked up the ball and ran with it, surpassing the original and it's own spin-offs by a mile! As well as many actors/characters from the original show, sci-fi/fantasy fans will be stoked to see - Jason Momoa, Jewel Staite, Robert Picardo, Mitch Pileggi, Christopher Heyerdahl and Beau Bridges from their favorites shows and movies!! An absolutely fantastic show!!!
    XweAponX In the beginning was a huge blockbuster movie introducing RA. RA was a Goauld, thousands of years old. He had used a round circular thing, flushes like a sideways toilet, to bring a bunch of people from Earth and enslave them on a planet called Abbados. Enter Daniel Jackson and Jack O'Neill (Originally two L's) and they learn that as powerful as RA is, he's pretty stupid, and they blow him into atomized pieces of Naquada (The stuff the Gate is made of).A year later, Daniel is still on Abbados and the Stargate is shut down, when a new Goauld "Apophis" shows up at Stargate Command in ridiculous snake-headed armor and they kidnap the sole woman in the room. Jack is called back, drops one of his "L's" and he sends a box of Kleenex to Abbados, rejoining him to Daniel Jackson, Sheauri, and Skaara, who both get kidnapped by Apophos and then SG-1 through 9 are formed: SG-1 consisting basically of Jack and Daniel and a new Captain chick named Samantha Carter, they meet up with a skinhead named Tealc on a planet called Chulak and they start doing great things. It turns out that RA was not the last of the Goauld, there are hundreds if not thousands of them, who all need people to take over. And so SG-1 finally kills most of them, but an odd thing happens: Even worse bad guys show up.But Daniel has not been Idle, in their treks through the star-gates SG-1 finds out about four races who had a sort of "United Nations of the Stars" - The Furlings who we only got to see in parody in one SG-1 Ep, the Asgard who become Jack's best buddies, the Knox who do nothing but hide and make themselves invisible, and a mysterious race called The Ancients.We know little of these guys until Jack gets his head stuck in an Ancient Repository of Knowledge, twice... And the second time, it leads him to clues about The Lost City of Atlantis, which Daniel had given them vague hints about during the year he died and was an ascended being. Several episodes and story arcs were devoted to the finding of Atlantis, for the hope of finding more of those glowing squid-bombs that blew up Anubis. Or other Goauld-killing tech.Well, eventually they figure it out, it's another 8-chevron Gate Address, and that's what this show is- It's about a bunch of people who opt to step out into the unknown, into another galaxy even, for the hope of finding help or tech for Earth.But true to Stargate form, after one set of bad guys is killed off, new, worse bad guys show up. The leader of this expedition to Atlantis is Dr Elizabeth Weir (Torri Higgonson who was Beth Kitteredge in William Shatner's TekWars TV shows). Originally she was played by Jessica Steen, who I thought was much better, but Tori was OK, she should have bleached her hair for the part. But the other two main guys, one of them we have already met, as in the irritating Rodney McKay (the irritating David Hewlett) and the other is John Sheppard (Joe Flanagan) who likes Flying and Johnny Cash. These people spearhead the original mission, along with Colonel Sumner (The Evil T-1000/John Dogget himself, Robert Patrick).The Pilot episode is magnificent for the first hour, but as cool as walking through a Stargate to another galaxy is, things go wrong immediately, and during a reconnaissance mission all hell breaks loose and we get to, well remember these new Bad Guys who are even worse? It's a race of Vampires called The Wraith, and we get to see their life sucking powers in great detail.So from the start, it all went sideways, but over 5 years of 20 episodes per season, they acquitted themselves nicely, and many Canadian actors got to sink their teeth onto sometimes multiple roles. My only complaint was that the new Bad Guys were introduced in the pilot episode, they should have been introduced over a period of time- Because it's just too much to load into one pilot. But nevertheless, there are quite a few things in the pilot that are great, which was why I continued to watch.
    aydin-zahedi ------"may" contain spoilers------I have several issues with this TV series, the idea is great, but there are so many details that the creators didn't even bothered to consider or to think about, maybe it could have been too expensive for them? or they just wanted to make a cheesy TV series to make some money! how come, aliens from another galaxy speak in English with American accent? how come they have the same sort of plants and clothes? here on earth two neighbor countries speak a completely different language and have different culture. even the evolution, if the size of the moon or the mass of the earth was different we could have evolved in a different way, yet on this very earth we can see so many versions of evolution, how come creatures from another galaxy evolved in the same freaking way?! they even drink coffee! cheesy acting, bad special effects, cheaply made.
    dinalt10 ************May contain spoilers*************** Just been catching up with the series on Netflix, and can only say that it's another show cancelled way too early.Was it perfect ? No. Was it enjoyable ? Yes.Unfortunately, Sci-fi on TV seems to often be the first casualty in cuts. While 'reality' shows and cheap soap operas carry on indefinitely.And this shows here quite clearly. An ending that seemed to be rushed - and left many stories left to be explored - primarily, did they ever get Atlantis back to the Pegasus Galaxy.A show that could easily have had at least another 2 seasons - but like many shows, seems set to languish.Shame.