NR | 27 March 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Miracles Happen When I started watching this series I was impressed by the accuracy of its scenery, costumes and the realistic acting. I thought the plot was something I had seen somewhere else but then something happened which totally surprised me! If you think you've seen it all then this movie is for you because it will make you realize that there is still a lot to understand about human nature. Impeccable acting and believable characters. I'll definitely watch it again!
    dan.adams A quite superb rendition of a grand Victorian tale. A bit of Dickens, a bit of Collins and a bit of something entirely new. This story is about girls,not usually my cup of tea but I found FS utterly compelling.What's more I warmed to the plight and feelings of the ladies.I really didn't give a fig about the fate of the men in this show. I'm trying to remember,when was I last left utterly bewildered by a sudden turn of events at the end of Part One of a mini-series?Never,as I recall. But,rather like a cliff-hanger movie serial,all became clear as the tale thus-far, was recapped from another point of view. I really have no criticism of Fingersmith.I watch mini-series night and day and somehow had missed this one which I can now say,"is a jewel among mini-series",as it's heroines are amongst literary characters.
    madcardinal "Fingersmith" is divided into two episodes, and it is truly a hit and miss film. While watching the first episode, I thought I was experiencing one of the finest films ever made - it developed like a Dickensian novella courageously and poetically weaving a tale of lesbian love. Until just before the end of the first episode, I was fully expecting to give "Fingersmith" my highest recommendation.The organic kernel of the movie - as presented in the summary on this web site - is superb and of the highest quality. The movie goes off the tracks, however, at the very end of the first episode and never really gets back on track after that. There are too many plot twists which stretch the viewer's capability for suspension of disbelief past the breaking point. The film becomes much too impressed with its own cleverness and the second episode just feels inauthentic and overly contrived. It's almost an insult to the viewer's intelligence and a betrayal of the time so well invested up to that point. It also robs the film of its crux and primary dilemma, namely, after wrestling with her powerful feelings of love, her past loyalties and moral and ethical considerations, what decision will Sue Trinder make regarding the plan to defraud Maud? There's no doubt about it, simpler would have been much much better in this case. Nine stars for the first episode. One star for the second episode. Five stars overall. This could have been so much better.
    gm-1 It is always difficult to bring a 450 pages book down to a three hours film. I read the book before, and I found the BBC production dealing with this difficulty in the best way possible. The qualities of the book haven't been lost: the dense and lively depiction of a fingersmith patchwork family in London in the 1860s, the cold and obscene cruelty in which Maud is brought up, the characterization of different social groups by different ways of speaking, the unexpected and surprising twists of the story, the way the film makes the spectators look different at the same scenes when they are told first from Sue's point of view then from Maud's one. The main actors do very good, and especially the growing love between the two women is convincingly developed, with a first culmination in a very tender love scene between the two and finally forgiving all the evil they were ready to do and did to each other, because they still love each other.For each of her books the author, Sarah Waters, has thoroughly investigated what life was like in British 19th century. While in Tipping the Velvet it was the world of the vaudeville theaters and the beginning of social movements, in Affinity the dreadful reality of women penitentiaries and the fashionable evocation of spirits, in Fingersmith she depicts the public ceremony of hanging people in London and the inhuman treatment of persons supposed or declared disturbed in asylums based on the reading of sources and scientific research. This is very well transferred to the film so that the corresponding scenes show a high grade of historic truth. I highly recommend this film production because it offers three hours of colorful Victorian atmosphere, vivid emotions, and suspense.
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