The Worst Week of My Life
The Worst Week of My Life
TV-PG | 12 March 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
    modwolf This is by far the worst British comedy ever, how it made it past the first episode let alone the pilot is beyond me. The acting is weak from the main character played by Ben Miller to Sarah Alexander (from the fantastic coupling)right through the cast. The plot/story lines were unfunny and very very predictable using many worn out ideas. A very painful series to endure but sadly put in a slot between two excellent shows. describing it as Britain's answer to ' Meet the parents' does a disservice to 'meet the parents' and is as about as fresh as an old shoe that has a run around with the family dog. Britain should have learned that rip offs from other countries never work from looking at America's sad attempts at doing so.
    smartarsebutler Okay, so you could almost describe it as Britain's answer to 'Meet the Parents', but that is doing this fantastic sitcom a huge disservice. Ben Miller and Sarah Alexander do a fantastic job as an uptight, very much in love and very middle class couple, desperate to get through their pre-wedding week, and the casting of Alison Steadman as the hysterical perfectionist seating plan obsessed mother is a masterstroke. The comedy is constantly farcical and slapstick, but without becoming gross-out (i.e.Farrelly brothers). Do not let claims of tired ideas being rehashed put you off this fantastic britcom, because yes, the basis of the sitcom has been visited a few times before, but this is a fresh take, and the result is an invigorating and exciting exercise in programming. Highly recommended!
    AJ420 Take Meet The Parents, turn it into a series, add a obsessed lover, add more humour and a dog in cement mixer and what do you get? You get one of the funniest series ever. I only happen to come across the series when i was just sorting my work out and the t.v was running. After i was just hooked on watching it.It is terrific stuff! Series like these should be made more often though not out and out copies.Ben Miller is top-class as groom-to-be. Ben Stiller had his moments in Meet The Parents but Miller easily can give him a run for his money. Top Stuff.My grief that i missed the first episode of it. However, this is still without doubt a much watch for any comedy lover.
    ssih As someone who sees far too much American comedy, I always look forward to British sitcoms. The writing is superior, and the average British comedic actor has a far better sense of comic timing than the American counterpart. So I was looking forward to this show, especially since it starred Sarah Alexander, who is absolutely marvelous in "Coupling".Unfortunately, this outing really looks like it was produced by NBC. The gags are tired and lame. The groom-to-be is eating dinner at the future in-laws and lies about liking the lamb. He spits the meat into his napkin and transfers it into his pocket. Is anyone in the free world surprised when the family dog attacks his pocket? This show is a complete rehash of several of Ben Stiller's movies - Something about Mary, Meet the Parents, etc.And here's the saddest thing of all. It's still better than almost anything created in America today.
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