Here's Lucy
Here's Lucy
| 23 September 1968 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Ripshin Recently, I watched the four-DVD set highlighting episodes from the several seasons of this show. Considering that the final years of this ratings winner ran concurrently with such sophisticated CBS series as "Mary Tyler Moore" and "Bob Newhart," it is surprising that it lasted as long as it did. I suppose it filled a void, but seeing Lucy cavort in what is basically a fifties-format sitcom that played in the turbulent 60s/70s, is still a bit of a shock.Granted, the production quality is great, and the near-Technicolor hues are beautiful, but the plots are hackneyed, at best.Lucy would once again rehash the format in the disastrous "Life with Lucy" misfire of the mid-eighties.This series plays better than its previous existence as "The Lucy Show," which itself was a mutation of "The Lucille Ball Show." Business considerations in 1968 required Lucy to reformat the show, in order to maintain ownership. Plus, she finally made it a total family affair. Lucie and Desi Jr. are fine in their roles, albeit with a tendency to over-emote. Gale Gordon is an acquired taste, although he is always the consummate professional in whatever shenanigans the script requires.The "extras" on the DVD set are quite revealing. Lucy was known as being tyrannical on the set, and it is quite evident in the outtakes and behind-the-scenes bits. Also, it is quite disconcerting to watch Lucy blatantly read the cue-cards in almost every episode.Vivian Vance and Ball always had great chemistry, and the episodes joining the two are among the best. The guest-star format got a bit ridiculous in this series, with seemingly 75% of the episodes revolving around a celebrity.Gary Morton, Lucy's husband, executive produced the show, as he did its previous lives throughout the 60s. He was also the warm-up for the show, as seen in the DVD extras. I hate to say it, but there was a reason he didn't find the success that many of his fellow Borscht Belt comedians enjoyed. Obviously, Lucy wanted a producer she could control. In the outtakes, you see her yelling "cut" time and time again, and believe me, that practice isn't kosher in the business.Certainly, I recommend catching a few episodes of this series, if only to see how a top-notch comedienne manages to strait-jacket herself with a format that limits her own talents.
    big_bellied_geezer I highly recommend this set to Lucy fans. I think it is very well produced and I appreciate the voice over's done by Luci and Desi Jr.However.....If I were to suggest a few things, I would rather have this show released in a complete season by season format instead of selected episodes. For instance, the Mary Tyler Moore shows would be a good example of how to release this as they are being released (although very very slowly) in a season by season packaging format. I'm not sure this will happen with "Here's Lucy" but it would sure be here's hoping for some future volumes of this great show on DVD. Highly recommended to all even though I wished they would release ALL the shows instead of selected episodes. I give it 10 stars!
    happipuppi13 I had the wonderful luck of finding the 24 episode/4 DVD package of "Here's Lucy" at my local library this week! Overthe past 3 days I have watched each included show and the DVD extras. I had not seen a "Here's Lucy" episode since 1978 and it was great to see the ones i have never seen! I'll tell you all out there this much,if i had to rate "Lucy" series in a top 5 list,this would be an extremely close 2nd to "I Love Lucy".The shows are somewhat topical (for late 60s-early 70s TV) and very well written. No,they're not Shakespeare or a toned down All In The Family",but the shows are simply just "funny". If you don't laugh when you watch this,you may want to see your Dr. to find out if he removed your funny bone or heart! There are plenty of "guest stars" to see and not only do they do the old "Run,it's that red-head" routine,they also do shows that they team up with her and her kids and entertain with song and dance.Believe it or not,the show is not corny at all! 100% wonderful. I have to say the only odd episode is where Lucy,Uncle Harry,Kim and Craig travel to an Air Force Acedemy in Colorado to see about it for Craig. Very bizarre! Loook for re-runs or the DVD. Well worth it and I give "Here's Lucy" 10 stars!
    Baldach Recently I was volunteering at the local library sorting used donations. These used items are resold to pay for community programs such as guest speakers. Volunteers have first chance to purchase donated items. I was intrigued when I came across a VCR tape with the written title "Nude Painting". I was intrigued and purchased the tape thinking it was a program on how to paint nude models. However, I was treated to an 'Here's Lucy' episode where Lucille models to help a frustrated painter sell his paintings. The painter was portrayed by Danny Thomas. This was first time I had seen the show 'Here's Lucy' and I was impressed. I had expected a corny outdated show instead I was treated to a pretty good comedy show that made me laugh. Whether I was laughing at myself for being fooled, or at the comic routines I don't know.