Get Smart
Get Smart
TV-PG | 18 September 1965 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    micksteel86 A few years ago I auditioned for a quiz show THE EINSTEIN FACTOR. My special subject was GET SMART. They asked me about 20 questions. I got one wrong , it was a question at which I responded , I don't care about that stuff.When asked what prison camp Max was sent to .. I responded as quick as Max Gitchee Goomee Noonee Wawa. and I felt that every other question was as easy as my own name. Except one; How many prisoners were sent to the prison camp?I said "That's a ridiculous question. How is anyone supposed to know that....... 23 .... CorrectI didn't get on the show when they found out my wife worked at the TV station. Ridiculous, because there was no prize money, just a statuette.Anyway Max killed bad guys and we laughed. He also killed good guys accidentally and we laughed. (The Worst Best Man)There were 2 great series. Series 1 and series 4. Series 4 notably for it's Arne Sultan, Leonard Stern Allan Burns & Chris Hayward episodes.My favorite episodes are Schwartz's Island and Too Many Chiefs.My favorite line Chief: We still don't know Favorite password; You say Apple , I say Mackintosh.
    Montaya_111 I would like to say that, the only ever 10 I have given was to LA Confidential. This show was easily the best show on Television. Don Adams was brilliant. Get Smart was incredibly intelligent, it didn't have the CGI of today, so it had to have good scripts. I always found the the shows were entertaining and hilarious. Don Adams was perfect for the role of Maxwell Smart, Barbra Feldon was Sexy, Smart, and Hilarious. You feel bad for Ed Platt as the Chief because nothing good ever seems to happen to him. I would easily recommend this series to anyone to watch, buy, or give as a gift. I guarantee watching it you will be hard pressed not to laugh. I wish a Farewell to Don Adams, you will be missed, may you Rest in Peace.
    dobbin-4 This comedy is definitely my favourite show and is one of my favourite Mel Brooks shows as well(which really says something as I am a huge Mel Brooks fan). This show has nothing wrong with it with humour and lines that have become famous around the whole world now knows and respects for example "I am the Craw" "well then Craw..." "not Craw craw" thats Mel Brooks humour at its funniest(which also says something). Another good aspect of shows is that Agent 86 is the only incompetent main character so it makes him stand out even more as everyone else while being aware of his clumsiness and stupidity but never mentions anything. One thing that is really good about Get Smart is that it has stood the test of time which so little shows would be able to manage to do nowadays. Overall I rate this show a solid 86% for being the best 60s show out there and I hope that the 2008 remake will be at least half as good as this wonderfully funny Mel Brooks show.
    DKosty123 Many folks who were fans of this series remember that anything that was not funny was spoken in the "cone of silence." There is no doubt that this is Don Adams (Inspector Gadgets voice) and Barbara Feldon's best work. Buck Henry also did some of his best writing for this series. While it ran on NBC, it was a powerhouse. When it went to CBS, it seemed to lose a lot of it's zip for some reason. Maybe by then it was wearing a little thin as there wasn't much more that could be done with a limited format such as this by then. Bernie Koppell who went on to be the Doctor on The Love Boat has a recurring role as Maxwell Smart's (Adams) nemesis which is pretty good in this. Michael Dunn (Dr.Loveless on the WILD WILD WEST) has all too brief a role in the pilot episode.The show also helped careers of John Schuck & Ed Platt along quite handsomely & is still very watchable. Some of the technology such as the shoe phone is now starting to age, but aren't we all?