NR | 08 September 1966 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    afetrmath2 Those were the days of "My Living Doll" and "Valentine's Day", featuring actors I had never seen before.I have been in love with Mariette Harley ever since.I thought William Mulligan was a riot. Years later, he became better known as Bert on "Soap".I still remember the supporting actor, Victor French, playing the neighbor. A few years later, I was surprised and amused to see French described as a "veteran heavy", and yet had to admit that he was chillingly convincing as a villain. Even later, you may recall him as Michael Landon's friend on "Highway to Heaven."
    bmodica This was a show about a TV star playing a Cowboy hero. Richard Mulligan played the star, with Mariette Hartley as his wife. Two things I remember about it: he drove a car (Cadillac?) with longhorns on the hood and 6-guns for handles, and they were the very first couple on TV who slept in the same bed! I remember reading that in TV Guide or some such publication at the time. Probably the reason the show wasn't successful was because the two did not make a likely pair. She was gorgeous; he a dork. The storyline was intriguing, though. Good idea, but it simply wasn't particularly believable. I wouldn't be surprised that the show only was on the air a few episodes. I'd like to see what two looked like back 40 years ago.