Alexa & Katie
Alexa & Katie
TV-Y7 | 23 March 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    thesuitcaseninja First and foremost, people seem to forget this is a kids show. You're not going to get the same amount of realism that you would from a cable medical drama or an in depth documentary. This show isn't supposed to be 100% realistic. It's a standard kids show with a unique twist in that it also features a girl with cancer.Having said that, it does have some emotional moments. Having Katie shave her head in solidarity with Alexa is touching. Seeing that Alexa's family struggles with how to cope with a family member with cancer is poignant, albeit a little hokey at times. The acting can be a little cheesy and the plot is a little formulaic, but overall entertaining. Kudos to the writers/producers for attempting to tackle a difficult subject in a kids show. My daughter started watching only recently and has had some fairly adult questions after viewing, which is somewhat refreshing to see from what kids normally watch.
    mkilther To be honest yes! it's childish, and yes it can be cringy however, I really enjoyed it for what it is... Laid back straight forward and funny. The only grape i had with it was the sound engenieering, it's bad... there aren't enough laught queues and they're not loud enough I also found some background music lackluster and distractive... Don't know what a season 2 could bring of new... but it was ok while it lasted... if it could be on this level i would watch it.
    kaylawawa-03052 Being diagnosed with bone cancer about 3 years ago was not easy. I did lose my hair and went through treatment. It was not fun and games at all. There is this one scene where Alexa uses her cancer as an excuse so that she doesn't get in trouble for messing around in the wig store and the lady that works at the store took pity on her and acted all nice afterwards. Seriously?! Is that what cancer is? Something that people should just take pity on cancer patients? Absolutely not! I also hated how unrealistec this was. The jokes were cringe worthy and its like the show kinda minimizes cancer. Cancer is not something you can go to school and just be a little sick at times. It's so much worse than being weak every now and then. I can't believe this show has around a 7 star rating...
    kristiford News flash people..this is not a reality show!! Maybe it's not entirely accurate but that would be depressing and somewhat scary not a cute sitcom for young people which it is!