The Big C
The Big C
TV-MA | 16 August 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    jiohjo I really liked this series or should I say I was really captivated by it. It reminded it Desperate Housewives. It won't leave you unemotional and bored for a second. And a good lot of laughs guaranteed. I am very scared of cancer, may be I even have cancerphobia. I also had a friend who's an exact copy, both outside and inside of Cathy. I guess all these things got me pick up this show and since then I'm really hooked up to it. The actors played really well. Very convincing . I especially liked Cathy, Gabourney Sidibe, Marlene, Adam and everyone else. But I regret watching season 4. To me I think it lost a bit of touch. I highly recommend this show.
    PartialMovieViewer Sorry folks…nothing blowing up; no tense shootouts, or squeamishly decomposing bodies laying around some gutter somewhere…this show is not for me. The cast is OK and the acting is better than mediocre. Like many shows now-a-days, the weekly scripts are more skewed towards progressive issues than how people react to cancer. Since it is not a 'guy show', I will let much of the touchy-feely garbage go. It just wouldn't be fair for me to tear this program down. For me, the script seems to be irritating and really juvenile. I will probably not watch this show ever again, although I am sure there are many people out in the world who really like it. Respecting those who enjoy the program, I will not rattle the cage. Since this is not my favorite show venue, I will give it a couple of stars.
    HooplaTec Take some very talented actors, add in some seasoned producers, and complete it with excellent writers. Then tell them to write a show with the central background theme of Cancer. The Big C is the result. It is a refreshing look at the dark comedy genre that pulls at your heart strings, which is obviously what the producers intended.The Big C is also not your standard sitcom formula. It doesn't run for four seasons letting the viewers wonder whether or not the girl and the guy will finally get together. No the writers immediately jump in per going past the doctor/patient relationship, a black/white affair, a teenager's first sexual encounter and how the husband/wife relationship is effected by it all...and that's just the tip of the iceberg. So far the writers seem to have a pass to try new scenarios and see what works, then move onto something else next week. While this can be confusing to the viewer, it is working so far as long as the base personalities stay intact for the viewers to relate to. Even then the writers experiment with the radical lifestyle change of Sean. What will happen next? The comedy is at times sharp and precise often with moments that remind me of a Neil Simon play. The solutions that Cathy comes up with per the problems she faces is often witty and unexpected. I could see thousands of parents watching the show and rooting for Cathy when she locked Adam in the bathroom to clean up the toilet! The Big C also has death lurking in the background so do not be surprised per where the writing will go next. Years ago it was a big taboo to kill a main character in a series. Today it is done quite often. I suspect it is done to keep a show fresh and interesting, to recharge a show when the ratings are slipping, and to redirect the plot in new directions as writers go and new ones arrive with fresh ideas. So expect the unexpected especially with this writing team.Just don't make the big mistake of having a character become a deeply entrenched part of the viewer's expectations, then kill them off. The worse case I remember was a TV show (title withheld so as not to add a spoiler) which ran only one season per the Network not giving it the time slot and support it needed, but generated a huge fan base which culminated in getting a full length movie version into production. Then two main characters were killed in the movie. That backfired turning the fan base into an angry mob which eliminated any future possibilities for a sequel, as well as many viewers will no longer watch anything created by it's producer.All of this is possible in huge part to the radical changes in network censorship over the years and the more openness allowed on cable. Watch your favorite sitcom from the 60s-70s and it seems so bland and simple. It took shows like Norman Lear's "All in the Family" to start breaking down the barriers. Today writers have a lot of leeway per what gets on the air. While that has greatly improved what Hollywood can create, it has also produced some of the worst television shows ever made which still has hurt the television industry for decades. So while The Big C has amazing possibilities, it also walks through a minefield where the audience could turn away per a big mistake in the writing.For now The Big C is turning out to be a wild and crazy ride which plays the heart strings with every episode, and keeps the viewers wondering what will happen next. Will the writers be able to keep up this frantic pace? Will they find a stable plot synopsis to allow for many seasons to come? Given the hectic first season, I wonder if the show was intentionally designed to go a maximum of three seasons.Time and the viewing audience will tell.
    katherine17 I first checked this show in September 2010 and I was slowly becoming addicted. Now I am waiting for a second season and actually counting days. This such a little show, but totally politically incorrect which makes it unique. One of my favourites. Makes you laugh hard and even cry sometimes. Another great thing aside from great writing is an excellent acting. No wonder Laura Linney won a Golden Globe this January for her character. I loved Phyllis Sommerville and Oliver Platt too. Not to mention young Gabriel Basso as Adam. Also the guest stars Gabourney Sidibe, Idris Elba & even Cynthia Nixon made such a great work here.Check it out guys!