Boston Public
Boston Public
TV-PG | 23 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    TRUNKOMAC This was a really fine show when it first came out. The characters are very, very good and show different personalities. Like Guber, the "Nazi" as called by fellow students, was a real strict VP and I liked how the guy was so desperate for women at times. Also, Harry Senate, the young smart mouth man with a sarcastic attitude but seems to have a good heart deep down. This show was well done the first two seasons, but the good FOX shows seem to be good for the first few seasons, then the writing gets bad and the show just keeps going farther downhill until there is cancellation. But seasons 3 & 4 weren't too bad, fox just wants the highest ratings possible. There are various extreme story lines in the show like a sex room in the school, teachers screwing students, a hostage situation. Now not all of these things are common in every school but they do happen. This show needs things like that it gives it the entertainment and drama. If this show did not have it, it would be very boring and have been canceled fast. But a great show nonetheless and great actors. Bravo Boston Public, damn, I miss this show
    Mr_Sensitive Many people might find this is an offensive series especially toward teacher and condemn it as bad show. But what ever it is, I really like this show. It is so intense, emotional, alright acting, and the keep on changing cast make it not boring.Yes, I agreed some stuff is offensive, but the series is too good to miss. Each week the faculty faces different problem (some of the stuff I highly doubted) but it is still fun to watch it.What I really like is how the story of the teachers tried to deal with the everyday problem in school and put their personal life into it. (though it not happen in real life but still nice to see it).Anyway, it was kind of sad to see it got cancel cause it got low rating, but at least it was still in its prime to me.Recommendation: Yes, it is a pretty good relationship series.Rating: 7.5/10 (Grade: B)
    bannersville I enjoyed this show a lot the first two seasons. The dialog was excellent. The acting was good. OK, it was difficult to imagine teachers getting quite this involved in their students personal lives, but everyone needs a little campiness once in a while. Around the third season the cast started changing. Jessalyn Gilsig, for instance, played one of the major character roles. Then her character disappeared one season without any explanation. Jeri Ryan, I think, never really fit in. The story lines became overly sensational. It got tired. Interesting to me was that the dude from New Kids On The Block, who played a teacher for one season, was the only person to ever appear on the show with a Boston accent.
    smirre44 I thought this show was supposed to bring new fresh ideas into the world of television shows. Instead we get served a rehash of things seen in the past. Load of old ideas redone and well-known television cliches. I watched it for a short while , then just dropped the whole thing like a hot potato. I resumed watching, only for a few episodes, after Jeri Ryan joined up, I am a bit of a Ryan fan. :)I see its running in its last season now, it's probably for the best.