TV-14 | 14 March 2011 (USA)

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    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
    DJWyce Arkady Balagan, an agoraphobic grandmaster chess player cannot leave the hotel he was staying in when he saw his fiancée killed. Nearly skint, he accepts commissions to solve crimes brought to him by others. He conscripts a young chess playing admirer, a chambermaid, a bartender, and the hotel's head of security - who does not like him (great relationship there) - to do his footwork for him. As they bring back the results of their investigations and research, he runs it all through his imagination, like envisioning a chess game and all his future moves, until he comes upon a likely scenario. He always inserts his own avatar into the playback, asking questions and getting advice from the characters even as he watches his scripts unfold. While having similarities to Sherlock Holmes, Nero Wolfe, and Bobby Goren, he deserves not to be seen as derivative of those characters, but on a par with them.Canada's Shawn Doyle portrays Arkady Balagan with finesse, arrogance and bravado appropriate to his egoistic appreciation of his own skills and intelligence. The supporting cast is just as good, and each episode is as good as the last.
    trlibhart I absolutely LOVE Endgame. The cast is phenomenal, the story is original, and it is one of the most intelligent shows today on ANY network- Canadian or otherwise! Shawn Doyle as Arkady Balagan is AMAZING and a true credit to Canadian talent! While his chess master may first come across as arrogant and ego-centric, Doyle has the ability to play Balagan with such depth and complexity that you cannot help but be astounded by his genius and saddened by his pain. Balagan can see beyond the obvious and notice the nuances of any problem he encounters, except the one case he has yet to solve- that of his murdered fiancée. I was first drawn to the series as a longtime fan of Patrick Gallagher (True Blood, Glee, Men of a Certain Age), but now I cannot wait to watch it every week to see all of these incredible actors portray this touching and brilliant story.
    keikomushi I have to admit beforehand that after being so disappointed with recent detective shows that I was reluctant to give Endgame a go. However, upon prompting by a house mate, I decided to give it a watch. I was a little confused at first, expecting it to be more serious than it was. Once past the first few minutes, I found that the comedy elements were a perfect fit. The acting and direction did justice to the amazing work of an awesome scriptwriting team. I hope to see this series continued past the first season, though there seems to be a trend of late wherein intelligent shows are canceled. Fingers crossed the viewers take a liking to this series.
    schobitz05 Something awesome happened to me with this series. After the first episode i must say i was a little disappointed with it, but then, i saw second episode and everything changed. The characters got more deep, the story changed for the good and i could really understand what this series was going to be about. Now i'm on the third episode and i can see from the start a mystery, well played characters and also JACK DANIEL from stargate! HA! Being a fan from former character and all, all i can say is GIVE THIS A CHANCE TO GET TO YOU... It may take a while to introduce trough your senses, but, it will sure get to you after a little while seeing the genius of the master chess player in action reveling the mysteries of crime. If you are a fan of LIE TO ME, you will get to love this. Follow my advise and i assure you one hell of a ride.