TV-14 | 26 July 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    darksocks 'Undressed' is actually a farely accurate show to what i see in my daily life as a teenager. Most teens do have these things happen and any parent that says they don't well their just blind about what's really going on through their child's mind. I hope that most teenagers who watch this could apply it to themselves or to someone they know but arn't necessarily friends with. Part of this show also seems like what could go on inside the teens mind which from friends and my own mind i know this to be true.The fact that people are saying it's encouraging "sex before marriage" are being moronic. I happen to be an avid watcher of eighties and nineties flicks and most everyone of them has a part in which there is some sexual tension or acts.Most teens should be encouraged to experiment along with most of the close-minded adults who say "your a girl and you can't date a girl cause thats not how god made you" well the fact is that the bible encourages you to embrace everyone no matter how different they are or if they don't think like you or act like you, many people are born with one gender physically and another mentally and that can cause some great questioning of themselves wondering if the their 'sinful for having an attraction to the same sex'. This show, shows most teens and others that its not a bad thing to be attracted to the same sex or the opposite. It shows that people out there actual will accept them for who they are.I believe this show is a great show for teens and parents a like to learn about these things and not be so closed minded about how people do have sex before marriage and people do prefer their own sex. I know this comment will raise up many discretions because i talked about the bible in here but i'm using what i know is to be true and supports my opinion about the show... i'm not saying the bible supports this show so don't rant to me about that crap. But i do respect peoples opinions and if they don't like this show then they don't like it and i respect that i just wanted to put in my 2 cents worth of opinion.
    B3B I mean come on even before this show was started ppl were still sleepin around so don't start that bull about this show promoting it. i mean the show wasn't exactly nasty. i mean they didn't show they ppls private body parts. This show was not a bad show. I watched the last season and yes i do agree that in really life u not gonna see 20 college students come out the closet at one time. But the season wasn't bad. i kina just liked to watch the segments to see what would happen with those people. It basically was a show with 3 segments about people and their sexual relations(high school students, college students and post college) I mean hey ppl have sex face the fact. The older seasons were better. i give it about a 8/10.
    odikysa I have seen tons of undressed episodes, and i think that as a teenager, having a show that can explore so many different sexual inuendos is incredible. It is a great summer show to watch and can be very well written with really good music, and good characters.
    shrek006 Undressed is one of my favorite shows on tv. I just saw most of season 6 in the summer. The storylines are sexy and insane at times. The show doesnt take itself seriously and its really hilarious. This show is perfect for teens who are sick of slow boring soaps where nothing happens and the characters look serious at each other for a whole minute into it slowly fades into a commercial. Even the opening song title with the bubbles is cool. If you this sounds appealing then you might like it. If your offended by people undressed often then I suggest something else.