Sleeper Cell
Sleeper Cell
TV-MA | 04 December 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
    hddu10-819-37458 Maybe I'm jaded since I saw Homeland before I saw this badly acted, poorly written attempt at PC schlock, which seeks to always underscore that the religion of Islam is not the root cause of any violence...just a bad interpretation of it. They accomplish this by repeating the "warm fuzzy" parts of the Qur'an through the "good" Muslim lead character, but fail to mention that Muslims have been warring since the time of the founder of their religion, and conquered all of North Africa, much of Southern/Eastern Europe and the middle east through violence; the SAME violence happening today, only Western technology has finally trumped Islamic theology. Just bad. Watch a Mohammedan propaganda youtube video for the same level/amount of believability.
    blaklife Has the drama, suspense, and character developments you would enjoy if you like drama that engages you and entertains as well as educates.The writers know their material and it shows. The direction is always engaging and not blase, and the acting terrific. Why this show didn't win any awards tells me the "powers that be" in Hollyweird don't know drama or much else for that matter. There is a plot twist in this episode at the end was a complete surprise and was very well played out. I'm glad it wasn't used as a shock scene for any climatic end to this series which would have been more typical and dull. Rent this series at once! Let's hope its brought back from celluloid extinction.
    emattos-1 First Season was gripping, edge of your seat action/adventure/mystery possibly the best TV of the year.Season two took a page out of the 24 writers book of how-to's, take a great idea with a handful of characters the audience really cares about and ruin it by adding eight handfuls of characters you could really care less about. The story gets stretched thin by the end of the first episode with eight new characters on top of the characters from the first season, plus you have Darwin not wanting to go back to UC work but as every TV cliché would have it he is pulled back in against his will.This is not what viewers of the first season signed up for, we signed up for a great story that was as realistic as it was hard hitting. Not cliché characters, a bumbling idiot boss, the hard-ass parent with whom the main character has to reconcile with, the evil character who has a softer side, the Mexican ex-con with gang affiliations, the tough guy who you find out is gay, let me see if I can think of anymore characters that could be in any number of lame TV shows from the 70's to todays crappy programming? How about the girlfriend that is asked to choose between her man and her child? Or the woman who at any moment can blow her man's cover by speaking to the wrong person.Season one main characters: the cell (4) the girlfriend (1) the boss (1) Season 2 main characters: the cell (5) old cell (2) girlfriend (1) the boss (1) dad (1) lover (1) military good cop bad cop (2)
    philjstringfellow To be completely honest, I completely intrigued by the original concept of 'Sleeper Cell.' Having watched the best part of the series on FX Channel (UK), my Sky got broke meaning I missed the crucial finale. But what I DID see of it, I assumed it to be a great story line, good acting and as I don't watch '24' I thought it was great, AND it's been confirmed for a second season...One of the best TV programs I have seen. Much more realistic and believable than "24." Excellent character development and plot line. Does not bash Islam, but gives a thoughtful and considered approach, showing the difference between radical terrorist Islam and true Islam. Everybody should see this show!Stringy xx